Are you Here Again

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Chase's POV
I wept as hard as I can. My Skye. My beautiful Skye. Now gone. Why. Why! WHY! Does it have to be her? Why couldn't it be me? I wanna die. I WANNA DIE! I know Skye wouldn't want that. She'd want me to live and be happy but, how can I be ever happy again. A knock came in the door. I sniffed. "Come in." Everyone, including the doctor, came in. "Chase, dude, we feel the same way. We wish we were her too." Zuma sniffed as tears came down again. The doctor gently put a small blanket over her and began to take of the oxygen tanks and everything medical like. Skye's body moved. "Woah! Is Skye's body moving? Or am I hallucinating? Or did I eat to much?" Rubble said in awe. I stepped back. Is she... Was she... Am I... What the heck...? The doctor unveiled her and I ran over. "Skye?" I whispered in her ear. Nothing happened. "Skye?!" Still nothing. "Skye!!??" I hoped for a small reaction. Nothing happened. I must be hallucinating. But if the rest saw, then I wasn't. This didn't make sense. I stepped back until I heard a small moan. Now everyone's scared. We backed away until the body said my name. "Chase?" "Skye?" I croaked. I went back and saw Skye fluttering her eyes opened. I loved to see those pink eyes again. "Skye?" I gasped. She got up and I got back on the bed. "Chase? Is that you?" My mind went spinning around. She's back! SHE'S BACK! "SKYE!" I yelled as I hugged her. She hugged back. "Oh Chase. I'm sorry!" she said as she began to cry. "Skye it isn't your fault. The question is how did you get back to life?" she smiled. "Somebody or some people said I can." I couldn't help it much longer. I kissed her and she returned it. Everyone (I forgot was in the room) cheered, clapped, and howled. We blushed but, I think I blushed the hardest. "Well. I think Skye is able to come home in about 3-5 days, just give her a week of rest when she goes home so the bruises could heal." the doctor said smiling. "Thank you for everything doctor!" said Ryder while shaking his hand. "Oh please. Call me Caleb. " the doc said. "Thank you Caleb!" we said.
One week later
I came to pick up Skye in my cruiser and almost ran into many things due to happiness. Then once we arrived, we began to discharge her and wheeled her out of the hospital for good. As we drove off, we just kept madly blushing and Ryder smiled at the sight of us. We headed toward the Lookout.
Skye's POV
After I left from the hospital, I felt like 100 pounds lifted off my paws. After wheeling on Chase's cruiser. I felt like he was actually my Prince. He swept me off my feet. Dazed into my eyes in the moment of death and kissed me when we were alone and in front of the entire team. It felt so fast and everything was so wow! We arrived and Ryder placed me in my pup house and told me to rest. While then, many people came to visit. Mr. Porter and Alex came to give me a card and Mr. Porter's famous spaghetti (which I will save for later). Farmer Al and Farmer Yumi came to give me a basket of fruit. Mayor Goodway gave me a bone. Jake came to give me some hot cocoa. And finally, the pups came to give me some sweets and cards. "Aww. Thanks guys! You know you didn't have to!"  "Skye, we wanted to. You're a great pup and like a sister to us. We wanted to show you that." Rocky said. "Still, thanks!" Then Ryder came in. "Pups. Time for bed!" Everyone obeyed and they headed towards their pup houses. Even Everest came to stay the night at the Lookout. As night became darker. I couldn't sleep soundly. Nightmares about Victor and his pack came. My family's death. The pups death. Chase's death. I woke up breathing heavily and tears in my eyes. Knowing all is a dream but, I couldn't help it. It was so real. I looked to see Chase's pup house next to mines. Maybe I can sleep with him tonight. I limped over to his pup house.
Chase's POV
I began to sleep but somehow. I can't anymore. I had nightmares about Skye just getting hurt and dying all over again. It's just too much. I heard a faint knock on the door. I opened to see Skye there. "Chase." she said crying. "Oh my. Skye! What happened!" She sighed. "I had a very bad dream. That you died and I didn't know what to do. I was so scared that... That.. It will happen one day. I don't want that!" she sobbed in my fur. I patted her back. "Shh... It was just a dream. Come here. You can sleep with me tonight." She came over. I laid down and she snuggled right next to me. "Chase. I love you and I don't want anything to happen to you." I blushed. "Skye, I don't want you to get hurt again. I love you more than anything. Will you be my girlfriend?" She kissed me hard and long. After that she said "Yes!" Then we slept peacefully without any borders between us.

A/N Woah Woah Woah Wait a minute. That isn't the end just yet. There is an epilogue to this story. Now the jury decided yes. Skye can live. Don't worry she won't die. Bye 👋!

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