Chapter 48

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Austin's POV

"I'll always be there for you," I said. "Nothing will take you away from me," I said.

"Princess, I'll protect you," I had said.

I was her shield of protection.

She'd wonder where I'd be in the midst of battles that circled her. She'd feel alone in the battlefield. I'd reassure her that she didn't need to be frightened anymore, she didn't need to lose hope anymore, because I'll be there, and I'll always be.

All she'd have to do was have some faith me, and I'd protect her from any giant that dared to harm her.

I'd be her shelter and protect her with all my life, no matter what.

I promised her.

But I broke it.

I failed to be her shield during her battle.

I failed to protect her.

I failed everything, and now, she's out there, all alone with that monster, and there is nothing that I can do about it.

God knows where she is and how she's doing. Is she okay? Is she safe? Did that asshole hurt her in any way?

If he lays a finger on her then I-

I sigh. What can I even do?

I just...I just can't think thoroughly. I'm so confused right now, so lost, so...incomplete.

These couple of months without her have been rough.

The countless days I went through without her in my presence, smiling at me, her beautiful brown eyes twinkling, or having her in my arms, the feeling that always sends shivers down my spine. The sleepless nights spent without knowing that she's right here, that I'll see her the next day, that she's okay. The meaningless moments I spent at the places where she loved to go and that meant something to her, to us.

How I miss her. I miss her so much that my heart hurts. Living with this feeling for the past couple of months was difficult, and it still is.

I had broken pieces when we were apart. When she liked a man who broke her heart that belonged to me. It took forever to find those broken pieces, and once I found them, I felt complete. I can't believe I have to live through this horrible incident again. I really despise this feeling, but I can't help it. I despise this feeling like hell, I despise this feeling more than I despise Chris.

I held myself and remained strong the first time, even though it hurt so f***ing much. I don't know if I can handle it again.

Losing her, I mean. Losing her would feel like losing a part of me. She had my heart, and I don't think I'd be able to survive if that went away with her too.

I'm drowning in the waves of missing her day by day. The water is already at the tip of my nose. If it goes any further, then I'm sure I won't survive.

But I know I have to. For her. 

If I've been surviving these past months, I can survive a couple more. 

There's still this tiny part in my heart that's telling me that I didn't lose her for good. That I'll get over this. That she will be in my arms very, very soon, which was all I wanted.

I would have given up already if I hadn't loved Jasmine so f***ing much. If I never imagined myself being with the most beautiful girl I know, then I would have given up already. If I never had her heart and felt like keeping it forever, then I would have given up already. If she didn't have me at "Stay with me," that evening at the hospital, then I would have given up already.

But I didn't. And I won't.

I don't care if she hurt me, even for the slightest moment. I don't care if she gets mad at me for being an overly protective boyfriend. I don't care if she gets annoyed at my jealousness.

I love her, and that's all that matters.

I wonder if Chris has convinced her to love him and destroy me again? Manipulating people is what he's good that with those stupid charms and looks he has.

He had my girl torn that night. I remember her face when he explained everything.

Her usually guarded eyes would've made you want to go up to her and hug her tight. They held sadness, heartbreak, confusion, and anger. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Her hands slightly trembled, and her body would be shaking, sending shivers down her spine. Her lips quivered, almost as if she would burst out into tears any second. You could spot a furrow on her right brow if you looked closely enough.

She remained strong, though. She didn't lose herself in front of Chris. She kept her guard up, her perfect body stood straight, her shoulders broadened as if daring anyone for a challenge. Her fingers dug into her soft skin on her hands, knuckles turning white.

As soon as Chris left though, she showed her true side. She broke down in tears and cried her eyes out. I couldn't bear the sight in front of me, so I went up to her and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close. She slightly calmed down but kept on apologizing about how everything was her fault. She was too ashamed and embarrassed to continue a relationship with me, thinking that she'll just hurt me, which will hurt herself. It took a while to comfort her and to make her realize that nothing would make me happy than to have her back as mine. 

For the following days, she would believe that she doesn't belong in my world.

She was my world. I had to show her how much I was glad to have her back. I had the following day booked to spend time with her. To live every beautiful memory we made once again. To show her that I still love her, but way more. 

Nobody made my life worth living for until she came. She was air that I needed to breathe to live. She was the sun that made my life shine. She was the light of my darkness. She was the beauty that calmed the beast inside of me. 

She still is and will be.

All of a sudden, the door creaks open and a firm voice speaks, "We found the guys who kidnapped her." 

My eyes widen as I immediately turn around. I walk towards him and spoke, "Who?"

He removed his gaze from mine and looked down to the ground, a frown plastered on his face as I scan his facial expression for any signs of who it might be.

"Adam, what are you not telling me?" I ask curiously. He responds with silence once again.

"It's actually no-" 

"Who?" I emphasize, making no room for an argument. Adams sighs before making eye contact with me.

 The following words he spoke almost dislocated my jaw by how far it fell it dropped. My eyes widened, almost as if they'd pop out any second as my pupils dilated.

"Jake Wild." 


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