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GRAYSON'S STAMINA IS IMPECCABLE. IF there is one thing he's perfect at - apart from football, dating and bisexual coitus - it's the manner in which he expertly handles his education in the left palm, his enigma in the right. The two neither clash nor mix, like oil and water, Grayson acting as Mother Nature. Nobody ever knows when he'll sneak out of school during lunch break and to the Burger King a mile down. When they eventually notice, like magic, he's right beside them, swooning on his mirror's reflection or polishing his football. When it comes to balance, even the Statue of Nemesis kisses his feet.

The area is clear. Flopping the hoodie over, he snakes through the school's back fence and takes hasty paces towards the main block. His head is hung low, facing down to his shaggy trainers. They clop into the wet dirt of the unconcreted floor, spluttering on the ankle of his long denims. He inhales the blunt, murky air and curses neath his breath. He can almost see the boys' locker room. Only if he can just -

"Yo bro!"

He stiffens, his shoulders pinned to the air. He pivots slowly to meet his my best friend rushing over to him, his dirty blonde locks flapping like the wings of an happy parrot. Damien bends on his knees, sucking and vomiting gallons of air like an asthmatic.

"Whoa, easy there fella ." Grayson pats his shoulder with a slight frown on his face.

"Where have you been? I've searched all ends of the earth for your blonde ass!"

Grayson's Adam's apple bobs down in panic but it merely happens in his head. He is going to alter the rail tracks of this interrogation train like a boss. He fakes a watchful eye and examines his best friend critically. "I can tell the star quarterback of the Warlocks hasn't been in good shape for a while."

"Perry. Long story."

Grayson has worked his magic once again. Perks of having a conversationalist as a best friend. Damien's mouth is the twin of Vin Diesel from Fast and Furious. Except it runs faster than his brain so he bounces haphazardly amongst topics till he tires out like pinball.

"Uhm uhm." Grayson replies quietly, already regretting his decision. He's always despised the blonde, stingy mongrel his best friend calls 'girlfriend'. Damien is hot and all but Grayson doesn't want to witness a genderbent version of Beauty and the Beast because Perry can never transform into a princess. What Damien sees in her despite the fact that she is clearly going to be the death of himself is still unknown to Grayson.

Damien doesn't reply for a little while. "So, I was asking you were you went. And don't even dare change the topic like you just did."


"Okay okay, I surrender." Grayson lifts an arm into the air and uses the other to push the door to the locker room. "But may I just ask why Gera -"

"Grayson!!" Damien scolds, his eyes spitting daggers that cut through Grayson's thick, wooly hoodie.

"- why Gerard is stealing your clothes." He completes.

"What?" Damien whips his hair to the back and sees a brunet ravaging his locker like it is an honeycomb and he is Winnie the Pooh.

"Oh for fuck sake, Gerard!" Damien's hot heels burns his footprint and his body is boiling over. "How many fucking times do I have to tell you wear my boxers?!"

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