confessing (kinda)

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You have one new message.
Someone who is not in your contact list has sent you a message. If you don't know this person, report as spam.

Unknown Person (@leed0606)
Jaemin! Where are you?
The movie is about to start.
(Sent: 14:40, 23.01.2017)

M.Lee (@leem99)
Who are you?
(Sent: 14:40, 23.01.2017)

Unknown Person (@leed0606)
Hahaha, so funny.
It's freezing.
(Sent: 14:40, 23.01.2017)

M.Lee (@leem99)
You are texting to wrong person.
I don't know you.
(Sent: 14:41, 23.01.2017)

Unknown Person (@leed0606)
Seriously, Jaemin. I'm not in my mood.
It's freezing, get your ass here.
(Sent: 14:42, 23.01.2017)

M.Lee (@leem99)
But, really. I don't know you.
And I'm not Jaemin.
(Sent: 14:44, 23.01.2017)

Unknown Person (@leed0606)
You did this last time too.
Do you stil think you are GD?
Or Iron Man, maybe?
(Sent: 14:45, 23.01.2017)

M.Lee (@leem99)
No. I'm Lee Minhyung.
(Sent: 14:46, 23.01.2017)

Unknown Person (@leed0606)
Not funny. Don't act like you are my crush.
Are you jealous?
Lol, you are my best friend.
He doesn't even know that I exist.
(Sent: 14:48, 23.01.2017)

M.Lee (@leem99)
I'm really not your friend.
And... You have a crush on me?
(Sent: 14:50, 23.01.2017)

Unknown Person (@leed0606)
You're running to me now.
Your ID.
Can you please forget this conversation?
I'm really sorry.
I know that you don't like when people know your ID or number...
I'm not going to give your ID anyone.
I'm sorry.
(Sent: 14:59, 23.01.2017)

M.Lee (@leem99)
You said you had a crush on me?
What's your name?
(Sent: 15:00, 23.01.2017)

Unknown Person (@leed0606)
If I tell you my name
Then I have to leave the country.
We can't afford that.
(Sent: 15:01, 23.01.2017)

M.Lee (@leem99)
Dude, it's cool.
Just tell me your name.
No one is gonna judge you.
(Sent: 15:02, 23.01.2017)

Unknown Person (@leed0606)
It's not fine.
I'm embarrassed.
And I'm dudezoned.
And I'm not going to tell you my name.
Sorry for texting you in the first place.
(Sent: 15:03, 23.01.2017)

M.Lee (@leem99)
Okay, then.
I hope the movie is good.
(Sent: 15:04, 23.01.2017)

Unknown Person (@leed0606)
Yeah.. Bye..
I'm sorry again.
(Sent: 15:05, 23.01.2017)

Lee Donghyuck hit his head with his own head in the middle of a movie, without caring about the looks he get from the people around him, including his best friend, Na Jaemin.

"Hey, is everything okay?" His best friend whispered as he tried not to distrub anyone. Donghyuck shook his head to the sides, nothing was okay. Could he be any dumber? Was there anyone on Earth who is dumber than him?

"I texted my crush, thinking it was you, and I kinda... told him that he was my crush... I... really hate myself..." When Donghyuck turned to his friend and tried to see his face clearly in the dark, he realised that he was biting his lip to prevent his laughter. He rolled his eyes.

"I know, it was a dumb move... I don't need anyone else to remind me that... I just... can't with myself." Donghyuck said as he tried to pay attention to the movie playing in front of him (he paid for that, of course he is going to watch it.)

A few minutes later, he felt Jaemin coming closer to his ear, so he gave his attention to hear what his friend is trying to say. "Hey, maybe this can be a opportunity for you to confess your feelings to Minhyung. I suggest you to use it wisely, Donghyuck."

On the other hand, Lee Minhyung (or Mark Lee, since he prefered to be called by his family and close friends) was smiling as he thought of the person who had a crush on him.

To be honest, it wasn't the first time that someone had a crush on him. As someone who moved from Canada to South Korea, captain of the basketball team, a good football player, someone who got A+ in all of his lessons and as if everything wasn't enough he was handsome and had a good responsibility, he had recieved many confessions through years.

Normally, people would just tell him that they loved him, or they would ask him out. Minhyung wouldn't accept any of them, he would think that they would only like him because of his looks or they would just like him because he is popular (he accepted a few in the beginning and they Minhyung was correct about his guesses.)

However, this time, this person didn't even tried to approach him when he learned he was Lee Minhyung, the person he had crush on, he was actually embarrassed.

"Hey, Jeno? Do you know anyone named Jaemin?" He asked to his best friend who was focused on the game he was playing.

"Um, a few. Why? Did something happen?"

"Nope. Just asking."

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