00 jeno bond

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Makkuri (@leem99)
Are you sure?
(Sent: 06:56, 28.02.2017)

Jeno Lee (@leejen00)
Good morning to you too.
(Sent: 07:34, 28.02.2017)

Makkuri (@leem99)
Good morning.
(Sent: 07:34, 28.02.2017)

Jeno Lee (@leejen00)
Am I sure about what?
(Sent: 07:34, 28.02.2017)

Makkuri (@leem99)
Lee Donghyuck?
(Sent: 07:35, 28.02.2017)

Jeno Lee (@leejen00)
I am.
I thought you'd be happy tho.
I mean, you've found --his-- name.
(Sent: 07:35, 28.02.2017)

Makkuri (@leem99)
Everything is kinda complicated.
I mean..
It's hard.
Are you really sure?
(Sent: 07:35, 28.02.2017)

Jeno Lee (@leejen00)
Dude, it was hard for me as well.
You know I find people I don't know with no problem.
But this guy was someone I know with a different... nickname.
So it wasn't easy.
But I'm sure that it's him.
Actually after finding him I'm more sure that it's him.
I even feel stupid.
And everything is more complicated.
(Sent: 07:36, 28.02.2017)

Makkuri (@leem99)
Why did you say that?
(Sent: 07:36, 28.02.2017)

Jeno Lee (@leejen00)
He is interesting.
But that's okay.
I'll solve this all.
(Sent: 07:37, 28.02.2017)

Makkuri (@leem99)
If you say so.
See you at the match?
(Sent: 07:37, 28.02.2017)

Jeno Lee (@leejen00)
I'll be there earlier. Bye.
(Sent: 07:37, 28.02.2017)

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