a little support

343 38 3

Haechan (@leed0606)
I heard that you were looking for a Jaemin.
(Sent: 22:23, 30.01.2017)

Rude Boy (@leem99)
Why would you say that?
(Sent: 22:24, 30.01.2017)

Haechan (@leed0606)
Jaemin was with some of his friends and they told him that Jeno was looking for someone named Jaemin who might have a connection with you.
Sure, Jeno knows everyone.
Probably he knows Jaemin, too.
(Sent: 22:25, 30.01.2017)

Rude Boy (@leem99)
Okay, I just asked Jeno if he knew any Jaemins. I didn't tell him to find me your Jaemin.
Sorry. I'll tell him not to that. I don't want to disturb your friend.
(Sent: 22:26, 30.01.2017)

Haechan (@leed0606)
Because he is kind of scared of you guys.
Especially, Jeno.
That guy should smile a little.
Scares my little Jaeminie.
(Sent: 22:27, 30.01.2017)

Rude Boy (@leem99)
He is actually really nice. He just doesn't like people.
In our group of friends he smiles a lot.
(Sent: 22:28, 30.01.2017)

Haechan (@leed0606)
He should show it to other people too.
Like most of the school is afraid of him.
(Sent: 22:29, 30.01.2017)

Rude Boy (@leem99)
Most of the school.
But not you?
(Sent: 22:29, 30.01.2017)

Haechan (@leed0606)
No, not me.
(Sent: 22:29, 30.01.2017)

Rude Boy (@leem99)
Why aren't you afraid of him?
He is my best friend but sometimes even I'm scared...
(Sent: 22:30, 30.01.2017)

Haechan (@leed0606)
I can't tell you now.
Maybe later!
(Sent: 22:30, 30.01.2017)

Rude Boy (@leem99)
Did you have crush on him or smt?
(Sent: 22:31, 30.01.2017)

Haechan (@leed0606)
You know who is my crush
Please don't talk about it
I'm embarrassed.
(Sent: 22:32, 30.01.2017)

Rude Boy (@leem99)
Okay okay
I'm gonna tease you later
Why is Jaemin afraid of us?
(Sent: 22:33, 30.01.2017)

Haechan (@leed0606)
It's not really being afraid of...
He just doesn't like you guys.
He finds you fake and all.
But I think that it's just because he is
(Sent: 22:34, 30.01.2017)

Rude Boy (@leem99)
Does he like someone from my group?
(Sent: 22:35, 30.01.2017)

Haechan (@leed0606)
Stop making poor guesses about our love lives please
I was about to write something important and I realized it that's all
(Sent: 22:36, 30.01.2017)

Rude Boy (@leem99)
(Sent: 22:43, 30.01.2017)

Haechan (@leed0606)
You didn't write for a couple of minutes so I thought you were asleep, lol
(Sent: 22:44, 30.01.2017)

Rude Boy (@leem99)
Basketball team has a match
It's not an important one but still..
Uhm, I was wondering
Will you be there?
(Sent: 22:46, 30.01.2017)

Haechan (@leed0606)
Gotta support my crush!
(Sent: 22:47, 30.01.2017)

Rude Boy (@leem99)
Thank you!
It means a lot.
Having someone to watch you is a good thing.
(Sent: 22:48, 30.01.2017)

Haechan (@leed0606)
Minhyung hyung.
Whole school will be there to support you.
(Sent: 22:48, 30.01.2017)

Rude Boy (@leem99)
You know what I mean.
Now I'll sleep.
Have a sweet dream.
(Sent: 22:49, 30.01.2017)

Haechan (@leed0606)
I don't know what you mean!
Come back!
(Sent: 22:50, 30.01.2017)

Haechan (@leed0606)
Well, good night!
I'm sure you'll do great tomorrow!
(Sent: 23:00, 30.01.2017)

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