
346 36 2

Unknown Person (@leed0606)
Nice jacket.
(Sent: 07:50, 26.01.2017)

M.Lee (@leem99)
Thanks, it's a gift from Jisung.
(Sent: 07:50, 26.01.2017)

M.Lee (@leem99)
How do you know?
Are you around?
(Sent: 07:51, 26.01.2017)

Unknown Person (@leed0606)
We go to the same school.
But you can't see me.
I'm in the class.
Saw you from a window.
Not a stalker tho
Just saw you walking
(Sent: 07:52, 26.01.2017)

M.Lee (@leem99)
It's not fair.
You know a lot about me.
I know nothing.
(Sent: 07:52, 26.01.2017)

Unknown Person (@leed0606)
What do you wanna know?
(Sent: 07:53, 26.01.2017)

M.Lee (@leem99)
Some stuff.
How old are you?
(Sent: 07:53, 26.01.2017)

Unknown Person (@leed0606)
Old enough.
(Sent: 07:53, 26.01.2017)

M.Lee (@leem99)
Answer me.
Knowing this won't help me to find you.
(Sent: 07:54, 26.01.2017)

Unknown Person (@leed0606)
A year younger than you.
But I'm a little bit taler than you.
You are cute.
(Sent: 07:54, 26.01.2017)

M.Lee (@leem99)
Lesson is about to start gotta go.
(Sent: 07:55, 26.01.2017)

Unknown Person (@leed0606)
(Sent: 07:55, 26.01.2017)

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