Chapter 2

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 Lance ran into his room and locked the door. Keith got up after Lance, he felt bad. He didn't know Lance had anything to confess. He rushed after Lance and knocked on the door, "Lance? Lance I'm sorry I had no idea-" He knocked on the door again when there was no response. "Lance..? What are you doing right now?" He had to tell the truth. "I-" Lance covered his mouth. But it came out anyway, "I'm cutting again-" He teared up leaning against the door sliding to the ground. Why couldn't he keep anything in? Why was he confessing?? He hated not being about to lie.. Keith heard him slid down and dropped to his knees at the door. "Lance.. Let me in"


"Lance, please."


"Lance, do you hate me?"

"Of course not."

"Let me in"

"I can't"


"I don't want you to see me like this. I don't want you to pity me or think I'm weak. I care about you too much and I care about what you think of me-"

"I'm coming in" Keith used one of Pidges devices to overwrite Lances set password. When the door opened Lance was standing there, his jacket on and a annoyed but tired look on his face. Lance wiped his eyes and winced, "You saw me, no get out. I don't need this-"

"Lance shut up for a second." He door closed behind Keith as he walked in pinning Lance to the wall, "You wanna know what I really think?" He asked. "Yes." Lance answered immediately blushing a little. Keith leaned in close and kissed him softly, pulling away after a second. Lance blushed and looked at him a little confused. 

Keith gently took Lances arm moving the sleeve up. Lance winced as the scars were revealed. Keith looked up at him before moving Lances hand in his up to his face kissing the cuts as gently as he could. He wasn't good with people, he just copied what he saw on tv and in movies.. But normally it worked for the best. He looked back up to Lance, "Did you like it when I kissed you?"


"Do you want me to kiss you again?"

"Yes..." Keith smiled a little kissing his cheek, "I care about you Lance. A lot. Till that weird space fruit wears off I'll do my best to keep your secrets safe-"

"Wait.. You mean the mango? That's what did this??" Keith nodded, "Don't be mad at Hunk though he.. Uhh... He didn't think it was going to do anything to you.." Keith knew he shouldn't lie, but Lance and Hunk were best friends and he didn't wanna cause a fight or anything.

"So.." Lance started, "What does this make us?" Keith thought a moment, as long as Lance was being honest. "What do you want it to make us?"

"Boyfriends" He answered blushing a bit more, "I-I mean-"

"Well if that's how you feel~ Hope you don't mind me calling you something like sweetheart~" Lance bit his lip at the word, he wouldn't mind Keith calling him that at all. Keith laughed a little letting go of Lances hand, "The team knows about you now, but not me. So I'll find a way to tell them soon."

"You don't have to-"

"I know but I don't want to hide, not to mention you'll probably say something haha"

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