Chapter 9

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                                       //Lance and Keith = John X Karkat?//

Keith glared at him, his eyes seemed cold. Staring back at himself, it was easy to hate it- To attack. He jump pinning the double to the floor. Punching him over and over, "Like father like son~" The parasite said smugly, it only made Keith more angry. He punched harder, as hard as he could. He suddenly stopped when the creature changed faces again, it was back to Lance, "Can't hurt me can you~?" Keith shook, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "Keith~" It called out, it smirked up at him, "K-Keith~ Please~ Le-Let me go, y-youre hurting me!" Keiths eyes widened, "shut up... Shut up- Shut up! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!!" He put the dagger to the fakes chest, tears in his eyes. "You. Are. Not. Him."

"Don't be so sure~ I have all his memories, good and bad~" He turned his head looking to the real Lance, they all turned to look at him. "Like daddy hitting mommy- Mommy drinking to forget before noon- Baby brother going into Chemo- Danny drinking himself into the hospital, the split second decision to give him a part of me I didn't think I needed~"

Lance looked down at himself, his bit his lip not bothering to respond. "Or maybe. The worst one? Hahaha! 'Hey Lancy~' " He mimicked a voice, Lances eyes shot open, his first tightened, "Don't you fucking dare-"

"Lancy~ Ven aquí chico. Siéntate en el regazo de Tio. Vamos, quítate la camisa también~ Bueno niñito haha" Lance teared up, his gun came up and he forced himself to stand. He shot the creature, "D-Don't you fucking dare! NO ME DIGA ESO!!" He shot him again, and again getting closer- The face switched to Hunk, he shot it. The face turned to Keith, he paused, then closed his eyes and shot again. And again.. "Que te jodan..." He said quietly before he fell back. Keith got off the creature, it now obviously dead.. He didn't understand what it had told him, but it must have been terrible. Hunk looked over at Lance, how he shot the thing over and over without hesitation.. Not to mention the things it said, he didn't know Spanish.. But after spending so much time with Lance he picked up a few words. Keith rushed to Lance putting an arm around him and helping him up.

Hunk rushed over to getting his other arm, "Lance.. What did-" Hunk looked up at Keith, the look on his face told him not to ask,  "Hunk.. Could you go get everyone else? I'm taking him to his room, meet up back there when you find everyone ok?" Hunk nodded and rushed off to find the others. Lance didn't say anything, he clung to Keith tightly and walked with him to his room.

He sat Lance down and made him lay on the bed, "Im gonna take off your clothes, to get better access and clean you up ok?" Lance smiled softly, "Whoa at least take me to dinner first~" He laughed a little but it soon turned to a bad coughing fit. Keith leaned over and kissed Lance, gently for the most part. The slow breathing had calmed him down after a bit. He stripped Lances top half taking a first aid kit from the room, surprisingly all rooms and draws under the bed and in the walls. It was a pretty neat space saver..

After attending to Lances wounds and carefully wrapping it he laid back next to him putting an arm around him, "You gonna ok?" Keith asked quietly, "Mentally or physically?" Lance asked back. "...Both I guess..?"

"Well it'll take a while, but I'll be ok, just stable enough heh.." Keith kissed his cheek, "I've never been good at comforting people, so if you need anything tell me ok?" Lance smiled a little, "I know I'm injured and all.. But I kinda liked you on me..." They both blushed, "Well.." Keith spoke, he sat up, moving himself over Lance. His lags on either side of Lance. "If it'll make you happy~" He smiled a bit leaning down to kiss him. 

                                       But interrupted by a knock on the door.

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