Can't Fight This Feeling

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She wasn't aware of much when she woke from the darkness, but she was sure she could smell bacon. To be honest, Cassidy hadn't expected to wake up full stop. She could vaguely remember the arms that had held her, the wolf that she missed without even knowing. 

Her wolf whined in protest as it caught a whiff of the bacon, she was hungry, very hungry. How long had she been out? More importantly where was she? The room she was in didn't look like it was lived in. A spare room she supposed. Taking a quick sniff she recognized the alpha's scent, this must be his house.

Easing herself off of the blue and white bed sheets, she grasped her side in pain as she made it to her feet. Fear tingled down her spine as she remembered the night before, but where were her girls? Were they safe?

She knew she'd been followed, just as she'd known the second that he'd walked in that he was going to kill her. It would have been a clean kill as well, the other wolves in that bar would have torn her limb from limb. Yet that wolf, the alpha, he'd saved her.

She took a step forward, grabbing the door frame for support, but then hands were there to hold her up. She looked up into his dark chocolate eyes and for a moment forgot the pain. They both stilled and remained so for a few beats before they snapped out of it and he offered his arm to support her.

"I could hear you up, you really need to rest, but I'm guessing you're hungry?" He asked the she-wolf that he had his arm around. His wolf was particularly glad that he was this close to her, her blonde-brown curly hair nestled against his chest.

"Yes. Very." She answered tightly, he could smell the pain coming off of her in waves and his wolf stirred in anger. He'd spent all night tossing and turning on the sofa as he thought about what he'd do to that male wolf that hurt her if he ever found him.

Well. That wasn't entirely true. He'd also spent a good portion of the night thinking about the she-wolf that was laid in his bed, just metres above him. In fact, he'd thought a lot about her. Potentially too much. Twice he'd gotten up and had his foot on the bottom step on the old staircase, before he realised what he was doing.

Helping her down the stairs, taking it slowly, he lead the she-wolf into his kitchen, seating her at the breakfast bar. Grabbing the frying pan off of the stove just as it began to catch, he dropped it into the sink and then collected the two plates of food that he'd spent a ridiculously long time making.

As he set the piled plate down in front of the hungry she-wolf and poured them both mugs of coffee he briefly thought back to his time spent in this house.

Had he ever cooked breakfast? In fact, had he ever eaten at this breakfast bar? Opting instead to eat out of a tin in front of the TV, or grab a quick lunch at Darcy's Diner down the road. In fact, he was pretty sure that he'd spent more time leaning on the bonnet of whatever car he was fixing that day, gnawing on an oil-stained sandwich than he had, sat at this breakfast bar.

And yet here they were, eating in relative silence, muttering only to ask one another for the salt or the Ketchup.

It didn't take them long to clear their plates as if acting out of routine, which was anything but the truth, Jake stood and cleared the plates away, dropping them into the sink.

He turned back around and leaned against the side, his wolf watching eagerly as the she-wolf stretched her arms high above her head, before wincing slightly and settling back in her chair, hugging her coffee mug.

All the thoughts that had been momentarily running through his wolf's mind vanished as the she-wolf winced. An unfamiliar anger settled in his gut as he swirled his coffee mug in circles. Silence had fallen and stayed for a good few minutes before Jake spoke up.

"Want to tell me what that was all about?"


His voice, like gravel, echoed through her body. Cassidy adjusted herself on the chair slightly and shrugged in discomfort. She didn't really want to air her dirty laundry to this stranger wolf. Sure she would be eternally grateful to him, he'd saved her life, but she was hardly going to thank him by putting his life in jeopardy. In fact, she needed to get out of here, needed to find her girls and make sure they were OK and then they all needed to disappear before He found out that she was still alive.

"There's nothing to tell. I must have caught myself on his jacket or something." She lied. Badly.

The alpha barked a laugh and stomped forward, she saw his wolf flash in his eyes and felt a wave of power crash over her, which her wolf, had she been in full health, would have counteracted, but she was weak, weaker than she'd realised. "Want to try that again?" He asked tightly, his voice ghosting up her skin, giving her goosebumps. She didn't know what it was about this wolf, but there was something about him that was calling to her on another level.

Shaking off the strange feeling she narrowed her eyes at him, she was Alpha, nobody ever questioned her. Aware that he'd saved her life, she decided not to fight him. "Look, I don't want you to get mixed up in this OK?" She placed down her coffee cup and made to stand up, but he was there, helping her out of the seat, guiding her towards the sofa.

It was not what she'd planned, she'd planned to tell him that she was going to leave, that she needed to find her pack and that she was very grateful but had to go. She'd planned to say all that. Instead, she said, "I'm so tired."

As if in understanding she felt his wolf growl in his chest as she leaned against him as they crossed over into the living room. "Rest here for a while, I'm going to go and fetch Doc' and see if he'll come check your wound."

Rather than telling him it wasn't necessary and assuring him that she could be on her way, she silently sunk into the sofa, leaning against the pillow that was left there. In fact, she realised now that it was made up like a bed, had he slept here last night? Why didn't he sleep in his own room? Surely that was the spare room she'd been in?

"I'll be right back, OK?" The gravel-voiced wolf told her, Cassidy's eyes already slipping closed. Nodding she yawned and curled into a ball on the warm sofa, enjoying the scent nestled into the cushions. Within a moment she was sound asleep.

He watched her for a moment, his wolf not wanting to leave her side anyway, she looked so peaceful as she slept curled into his pillow tightly. Lingering for just a moment longer he headed out to town, aware of the dark red patch that was beginning to form on her side. He thought he'd healed her properly last night, but it would seem that the wound was getting worse.

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