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Elenor watched Cassidy carefully. her eyes were wide in obvious fear, guilt evident on her face. Cassidy was stuck in a stunned silence, unable to think beyond what Elenor had just said. "What do you mean?" She asked, internally wincing at the panicked inflexion to her voice.

"Caine. I've met him. Well, once. I was out shopping, off of packlands when he approached. He told me that you were his ex, that you'd practically ruined their pack and then you'd run off." Cassidy flinched, anger boiling beneath her skin. Her wolf was ten steps ahead, already ready to rip Elenor's head from her body, but she took calming breaths, trying not to lose her temper before she found out the truth.

"I-I had no idea. I had no idea that he'd kill anyone. I just thought he was your ex. I thought he'd out you as the fake he said you were. I thought it would get rid of you." She stammered, her breathing fast and shallow. She was visibly shaking, Cassidy's angry posture probably not helping.

"What did you do?" She growled out, voice low and deadly. She tried again to calm down, tried to breathe through the anger, but it wasn't working.

"I switched off the perimeter alarms on the Southside. I told him how to get into the packlands undetected, but I had no idea. I just wanted you gone." She tried to raise her hands in surrender, pleading with Cassidy for mercy. Cassidy's wolf sent out a power wave, one that had Elenor whimpering beneath it. Elenor whined and duck her head, clearly suffering under the weight of Cassidy's alpha power.

Anger was clouding Cassidy's mind, her wolf yearning to tear the traitor limb from limb, but the logical side of her brain was shouting at her, trying to get her attention. As realisation dawned, horror flashed through Cassidy. If Caine had access to the packlands, then it meant that nobody was safe, it meant he could get access to everyone and that he'd left Darcy at the perimeter as a decoy. He could be right behind her, he could be hunting Jake as they speak.

The traitor forgotten, cold shot through to Cassidy's core. "Jake." She whispered, before running back towards Jake's house. She barrelled through the door, her heart racing. Her eyes scanned the room, where was he? Finally, she saw him as he came down the stairs, hovering on the last step as he caught sight of her.

"Cassidy?" he questioned, reaching the bottom step. She ran towards him, throwing herself into his arms, hugging him tightly to her. Her wolf paced within, not settled at just knowing he was safe, Caine could be anywhere.

"My girls." She whispered, pushing away from him. "I have to find them" She turned to leave him, but he held her tight.

"Cassidy? What's going on?" He urged, gripping her chin and turning her head towards him.

"It's Caine. He's here. Elenor gave him access to the packlands. He could be anywhere, Jake. The whole pack is in danger." He growled, eyes flashing wolf.

"You get your pack, I'll get mine. Meet back here." He promised, ghosting a hand down her cheek. He went to leave, paused, turned back around and leant down. Their lips met in a soft kiss, one that spoke more words than they had time to share. They lingered for a moment, maybe two, before pulling apart and each heading for the front door.

As Cassidy ran out into the cool night air, she passed Elenor who sat in a crumpled heap by the door, her crying sobs chasing Cassidy's retreating form.


She was halfway towards Liam's house when a shiver ran down her spine. Her foot caught on something, her hands grazing across the forest floor, wood tearing into her palms. "Oh, for God sake." She groaned out, as she pushed herself back onto her feet, freezing as she did so.

Her blood ran as cold as ice, an instinct telling her to freeze. She strained her ears, listening beyond the sounds of the wind rustling through the trees, or the insects foraging for food, past the sound of her own breathing and out beyond the tree line.

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