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Her wolf whined at the memory of having to submit to a wolf less powerful than her. "He bit me, mate claiming me, right there and then." She spat, shaking her head in anger, as her wolf surged with force at the hateful memory. "It was degrading, embarrassing. No alpha female should be mate claimed like that." She shuddered at the memory her wolf huffing in anger. It was a sore point for both of them.

"Thankfully, before the new moon, I had escaped. We didn't have a mating ceremony, so his mate claim faded long ago, not that he'll accept that. He always calls me his mate, he believes we are still destined to be mated, even now, after all these years. At this point, I don't know if he wants to mate with me because, in his own twisted way, he loves me, or if it's because I'm the one that got away."

Jake relaxed, stress and fear seeping out of him like water. His heart, which he hadn't realised was beating like crazy, calmed and a sense of peace entered his wolf. - His mate wasn't already claimed. The relief that rushed through him didn't surprise him. The she-wolf in front of him had become everything to him, his strength, his support, and he wanted to be that for her too. The fact that she was finally opening up to him had his wolf howling in happiness - and his blood boiling at the hell she'd been through. Yet it also reminded him how strong his she-wolf was.

"After he mate claimed me, his pack and my pack merged, but he was more unstable than I realised. He seemed to go crazy with power. He was a feared alpha as it was, killing anyone who disagreed with him, but he became cruel. Kelsey bore the brunt of it. She was such a wonderful person, I sometimes think I still see glimmers of her y'know?" She asked whimsically, glancing up at Jake, getting lost in his chocolate coloured orbs for a moment, before tears clouded her vision.

"Anyway, Caine found that through the pack link, he could manipulate Kelsey. She hadn't been in a pack before, not properly, she wasn't used to it. The more insane he became, the more corrupted Kelsey's head became. His favourite game was to spy on me through her eyes - often attacking me for something I'd said or done later. Any excuse to make me bleed."

Jake growled again, but she ignored him, pushing through the painful part, "Kelsey started to slip away, but it was when he stated that from now on, all matings would be organised by him, that I realised his intention. He wanted to force Leah, Saf, J and even Kelsey to mate with some of his wolves. They were older, far too old, and just as brutal as him. I couldn't let him win, so one night we escaped and hit the road. We didn't get far before he used his favourite trick with Kelsey to find us. God-" She paused, tears falling freely, steeling herself, "to punish me he didn't lay a finger on me. Instead, he had the others beaten to within an inch of their lives. I-I've never felt such guilt before - such horror and-" she paused, crying heavily. She pushed back on the stool and stood up, pacing backwards and forwards, trying to control herself. Jake stood, trying to comfort her, but she couldn't handle any hands on her at the moment.

"The next time we made our escape, we were sure to be more careful." She paused, wiping her eyes, lifting her gaze to Jake. "It was Kelsey's idea, you know. To lace her with Wolfsbane. She knew it would likely ruin her mind - knew it would slowly erase who she was, but she didn't care. At first, she begged me to leave her behind, but I couldn't - not knowing what he would do, I-" She shook her head, "I couldn't leave her."

She began pacing again. "So we went on the run, skipping town to town, to town. Never staying too long, never going back where we'd already been. It was working, to an extent, until he nearly found us. We knew he was on his way, we'd spotted his scouts in the area, but equally, we needed the Wolfsbane for Kelsey, so I sent them on ahead, fully intending to source some Wolfsbane. Before I could, his scout spotted me, so I ran and ran, and ran until I hit your packlands."

She paused again, "at the time I had no idea why I felt so safe the moment I entered your territory. Now, of course, it all makes sense, my wolf knew even then."

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