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Ok, so at the end of the last chapter I promised you, you'd get to meet Cassidy's pack... I was wrong... it will be in the next chapter though... 

So, consider this early update an apology, with Cassidy's pack chapter due on Friday :) 

Have a wonderful week & thank you SO MUCH to voters & commenters! I've been really ill and seeing your comments/votes has been such a lift! 

V_F <3


Sometime after 4 am, Cassidy had finally fallen asleep. 

She'd waited until she'd heard Jake come back home, her breath catching in her throat when the staircase groaned as if someone was about to walk up it, her heart had hammered through her body as she'd wondered whether she'd be able to turn him away, yet he never reached her door.

Waking to bold, brilliant sunshine, Cassidy was surprised to find a cup of steaming coffee beside her. Blinking sleepily, she stretched like a lazy cat and then stood up, grabbing the mug and headed in search of Jake.

He was still asleep as she neared the sofa, his pillow folded beneath his head. He didn't look as serene as he should, his face twisted in unknown pain. As he breathed in and out, mumbled words drifted to Cassidy's ears.

She walked towards him, unable to help herself, her wolf at her heel with every step. As she stopped in front of him, her hand reached out and moved a strand of hair from his forehead. She smiled despite herself and basked in the quiet moment.

He shifted in his sleep, responding to her touch, causing her to freeze in panic. Her heart hammered, untamed within her chest. At this rate, she'd have a heart attack before she ever found her pack again. She remained still as a statue, practically holding her breath until he seemed to settle.

Backing away she put distance back between them, before turning and slamming the mug onto the kitchen side, hoping to wake him up. Maybe if he was awake then her wolf wouldn't be begging her to go and cuddle with him on the sofa. 

Sure enough, within a few moments, he began to stir, before slowly blinking his eyes open, his gaze landing on her, a smile gracing his face. Her smile echoed his as warmth shot through her, she chided herself for her reaction to him and quickly looked away busying herself with the mug as she washed it up in the sink.

She didn't hear him near her until his breath tickled her neck. She froze, mug forgotten in the soapy water. "Jake." She warned as he leaned forward, arms planted on the kitchen side on either side of her. Her wolf was practically purring. Traitor. 

She'd never been more aware of another person before, her body humming as though in tune with his. 'I promised to keep my distance.' She chided in her mind, memories of the conversation from last night drifting back, sending a stabbing sensation through her chest.

She was always going to leave, the fact that the pack wanted her gone shouldn't be hurting her, it should please her. She needed to leave,  she'd been saying that for days and yet she'd indulged her wolf and stayed, even though it was costing Jake dearly. 

"Cassidy." He whispered as his nose trailed down her neck, as he took deep breaths of her scent.

He had to stop himself from groaning at that smell, nothing had ever smelt as good as her. His wolf wanted him to rub himself up against her, but he could tell from the tension radiating from her frame, that if he tried that, she might kill him. A pissed off she-wolf was a dangerous thing.

His mind flashed back to Liam's comment about the scars on her body. Honestly, his wolf hadn't really noticed, uninterested in such a tiny detail. As far as he and his wolf were concerned, she was perfect.

He wanted to know about the scars though. Where they'd come from, who they'd come from. Jake feared the answer but also knew he'd need it eventually or else his wolf might go insane.

Resisting the urge to touch her, Jake backed away and tried to casually lean against the kitchen island, but his entire body hummed with the energy swirling around her. He'd never met another wolf as potent as her.

She seemed to relax slightly once he'd moved, which did nothing but annoy his wolf, though the man understood. She was in strange pack territory, knew there was danger and yet also had their connection to deal with. Jake had lost count with the number of times he'd climbed the staircase, only to then return to the sofa.

His wolf knew that this was more than wanting her now, it was bordering on a need. With every breath he took, he thought of her. He'd never been so solely focused on one thing before. 

The problem though, was that with every step his wolf took towards her, she took one away. She was poised to run; a past to escape, whereas he was ready to stand still, in this moment, with her, forever.

Last night, following Liam's exit, he'd gone to her, but she'd rejected him and whilst Jake could understand, his wolf was not as forgiving. He wanted this she-wolf to understand that she belonged to him now and therefore could not put walls up between them, but Jake also knew that Cassidy had heard every word of his conversation with Liam, that she now knew too much and yet far too little. Most importantly though, she knew that his pack wanted her gone.

He barely fought back a growl as his thoughts turned to Liam and Elenor. Elenor he wasn't surprised at, no doubt jealous of his obvious interest in Cassidy, but Liam - Liam had been his best friend for so long, that he felt like he was operating without a limb now. The distance between them evident in their pack link. Jake had woken this morning to find that Liam had shielded himself from the pack link, which some packs did, but Jake had never bothered, they were all like family.

Just as the darkness started to settle in his chest, Cassidy turned and instantly his life filled with colour again. On some level, he knew he should be worried about the effect this she-wolf had on him, but in this moment, he didn't really care. All he knew was that he wanted her close. Always.

The possessive tug in his chest caught him off guard, not that he was surprised. Though he had never expected to mate considering his past, yet it felt different this time. Less pure lust and more animalistic need and possessiveness, no doubt a dangerous combination.

"I really need to-"

Jake saw what she was going to say before she said it. "Let me give you a tour." He instructed rather than asked, eager to distract her from her need to leave. Plus, his wolf informed him, the intruders hadn't been caught yet, it was too dangerous for her to leave. 

Seeing the hesitation in her eyes he continued, "we'll go get breakfast from Darcy's, I know she'll love to see you again, and then I'll give you the tour of the land! Come on." Not waiting for her response, he rushed for the door and held it open, too nervous to look to see if she'd followed.

After a few, unending moments of silence, she walked past him and out into the daylight. Relief flooded his system and Jake released a breath he hadn't realised he was holding. She wouldn't leave, not yet, he'd just bought himself a little more time.

A little more time to convince her to stay.


Thanks for reading :) 


Does anyone actually like Liam? 

I'm not sure I'm a fan. . . 

Don't forget to comment & vote etc.! 

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