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"No." The words were an accidental protest, as though her body refused to accept the information. Not Darcy, not sweet, sweet Darcy.

Cassidy had never run so fast, her lungs were burning, as were her legs, but she had to get to them. Visions of Doc finding his wife's body filtered through her mind, of Jake finding the woman who was practically his mother, dead.

She ducked her head into the wind and pushed on, until the sound of lamenting howls met her. The scene was chaotic. The majority of the pack had gathered around, obviously sensing the alpha's loss. Doc was knelt just out of view, but Cassidy could hear his wailing beneath the howling and chanting of the surrounding wolves.

A sadness swept over Cassidy, duplicating her own. She could barely breathe, the sense of loss so heavy on her chest as she pushed through the crowd. They parted easily, either too upset to know who it was, or aware that the alpha needed her, either way she forged a clear path to the front.

If it wasn't for the scent, Cassidy wasn't sure that she'd have known that Darcy was dead. She looked almost peaceful laid there, a bouquet of flowers placed beside her. At first Cassidy wondered if it was a pack tradition to bring flowers, but then she caught a glimpse of the card hung from a black ribbon around the flowers, her name written in scrawling hand writing.

Her insides dropped, as her heart froze, cold ice slicing through her veins. Caine had done this.

Doc knelt beside Darcy, his hands holding hers as though trying to force life back into her. His face was too painful to look at, his horror and agony etched into every line and wrinkle. Cassidy bit back vomit, as her stomach churned. The sadness that hung over her threatened to suffocate her, whilst guilt gripped her tightly in its embrace. Just when she thought she might pass out, she saw Jake.

He'd never looked so small, or so lost. Stood in the crowd of his pack, he looked like the little boy that Doc and Darcy had rescued all those years ago. Ever since she'd arrived, he'd saved her multiple times, he'd been her strength when she'd had none, had protected her when she couldn't. He'd vowed to fight her past, to fight with her, for her. He'd offered her his pack's life, without ever meaning to, and now he'd paid the price.

His eyes were glazed, she knew that look, knew that we would be reliving his nightmares. Cassidy had never seen him looking anything other than 'alpha', yet now he looked like he may fall apart at any moment. She scanned the crowd, at the mourners with one eye on their alpha. Cassidy knew these situations were fragile, after a great loss an alpha could turn, anger running through their veins. It was easy for them to go Rogue, to lose the battle with their inner beast, but they could also be seen as weak, and disloyal wolves could use the opportunity to strike.

She had a feeling that Liam wouldn't be an issue in this case, but Elenor and the elders still might try to attack. They'd all been vocal about not wanting her here, and now their presence here had caused Darcy's death. No, she'd caused Darcy's death.

She stumbled towards Jake, shoving people to the side. She would not let him give in to the beast and equally would not let him be overthrown. Every step she took was heavy, guilt and sadness still forcing the air from her lungs, but she had to make it to him, had to help him.

Finally, she made it through the crowd, her hand reaching out for his skin. Her hand landed on his, his attention immediately snapping to hers. It wasn't until she saw the predatory look in his eye that she realised what a mistake she had made.

The air shifted around them, wolves skittering to give them some room. The chanting and howling stopped, the noise dissolving into the night. All that remained was Doc's cries, and Jake's low, warning growl.

Alpha's were renowned for being possessive and protective, especially in highly emotional states. They were also infamous at dealing with emotional trauma and, as far as Jake's wolf was concerned, this was only more proof of the danger Cassidy was in, of the danger that Jake needed to protect her from.

Cassidy should have realised; she should have stayed away, but then again, she hadn't been ready to admit what her wolf had been telling her since the moment she'd seen Jake in the bar. She hadn't been willing to acknowledge the obvious, the way her wolf longed for Jake, the sense of peace that she found in him. Nope, in typical Cassidy style, she'd ignored all of the warning signs and had instead chosen ignorance.

Briefly, part of her wondered if Liam had known what he was doing when he'd sent her to him. Had he realised? Did he know that Cassidy and Jake were mates?

Just thinking it sent a sense of dread through her system. Cassidy had promised herself she would never mate with anyone, had promised herself that she would avoid it until the day she died. She wasn't ready to commit, or settle or acknowledge that she didn't need to be alone. She just...wasn't ready, for any of it, especially with Caine breathing down her neck at every turn.

Jake's eyes narrowed, as if sensing what she was thinking. His entire body seemed to hum. He looked coiled, like a snake ready to strike; like a wolf ready to pounce. For once, Cassidy could see the true predator in him, and it scared and seduced her, all at the same time.

Realising she had to escape, Cassidy had barely let out a small yelp, as she turned to run, before Jake gave chase, snapping at her heels.

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