An Alpha's Claim

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When I found you...

Sparkling lights drifted mindlessly in the breeze, trees creaking and groaning with the wind that surrounded them.

Peace had settled across the forest, only nature filled the night with noise.

Chairs, lined up in tidy rows, their legs wound with greenery. Above them, the stars put on their best display. Specks of glitter littered across the inky midnight sky.

In the distance, light speckled the horizon, the coming dawn ready to chase away the lingering night.

Bathed in moonlight she danced. A vision to anyone watching. She was lost, lost to the wind that nestled itself against her skin, to the music that weaved through the trees to find her. She was lost to all but him.

He hadn't meant to find her. Hadn't meant to intrude on her moment. He'd needed solace, craved silence away from the bustle of wolves. He'd only meant to take a second to regain his composure, his untamed beast at his back.

That was, until he saw her. Both man and beast were silenced by her grace. Her fluidity and strength. She too sought solace. She too sought silence.

'Mine.' His wolf informed him as the she-wolf turned, her arms arching up into the sky and spinning in slow circles.

She was the music, every flex of muscle and twist of frame, creating the next note. He'd never seen someone so free before, so unstoppably open.

He was jealous. He was humbled. She was everything.

"Ours." The man mumbled to his beast, agreeing with the sentiment but knowing it was never to be. "Never ours."

He dropped his head, unable to look at her beauty any longer before he turned and slid into the shadows of the night. By the time that she'd sensed his presence, he was gone.


Book 2 in the Rootbridge Pack series.

J has been through a lot.

A harrowing upbringing was followed by her and her pack being chased by a murderous alpha, intent on owning and destroying J's Alpha, Cassidy.

Now, finally, after years and years of being on the run, J

She's always been on the outside, a lone wolf with just enough humanity left to attach herself to Cassidy and her pack, but now she's being offered a life in a loving, safe pack, with friends who are practically family.

For anybody else, it would be a good thing, an amazing opportunity, a chance at happiness, but for J there's just one obstacle standing in her way.

The King is dead, long live the Queen.

She may have killed Caine, but his pack need an Alpha and right now, they think it's her.

Caine's death has created a power vacuum, one that a number of wolves are vying to fill, but they need one thing; J.

Realising the biggest threat to her pack is herself, J forces herself to leave and set out on her own, but she should have known it would never be that easy.

Whispers have travelled about Cassidy's protector. About the woman more wolf than most.


Alpha of the Blackoath pack, Logan Black, has been watching J for a while now.

Sure, he tried to stop himself but his wolf is obsessed and so is he. Knowing he can never truly have her, he resigns himself to being her unofficial stalker, protector and guardian angel.

So, when an underprepared alpha tries to capture her, he readies himself to go to her defence, but he should have known better.

As he watches J destroy the pack who'd been sent to capture her, he realises that maybe, just maybe, he's found the only wolf in existence strong enough to match him. Strong enough to be his mate.

Strong enough to kill him.

However, when it comes down to it, Logan can't quite bring himself to ask the woman of his dreams to end his life, so instead lets her go – and that's where it all goes wrong.



Chapter 1 of An Alpha's Claim will be out next Friday.

Follow me for updates! :)

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