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There was a sense of peace here. One that was carried on the wind and seemed to wrap around Cassidy's body as she and Jake walked in relative silence.

Cassidy hadn't felt this level of peace in a long time, and as she watched the wolves in his pack go about their day - albeit with wary glances in her direction, she found herself becoming more and more relaxed. With every moment that she started to feel at home though, a pang of jealousy would sweep through her.

This is what pack life is supposed to be about, she mused. Having your pack around you, enjoying your life and raising your family in safety. This was the pack life that she'd once had.

It was getting to the point where Cassidy couldn't cope with seeing any more happy families, with small pups running around their gardens, without a black ball of emotions beginning to grow inside her chest. As if sensing her growing discomfort, Jake cleared his throat.

"This is where I work." She was surprised. First of all, because it looked like a little garage that was barely scraping by, secondly because she'd never known an alpha have a second job, normally being alpha was enough.

"You're a mechanic."

"Most days." He answered, in that same, low, drawling tone of his. His voice seemed to bring alive parts of her that she thought were dead.

Shaking off the need to shiver, she suddenly felt her wolf still, ears peeing back, lips curling to expose her fangs. She lunged for control, but Cassidy contained her, suddenly on high alert. Noticing her eyes shift wolf, Cassidy heard Jake growl as his eyes darted across the road.

Jake's pack resembled a small town, rows of businesses and houses surrounded by open, green parks. She realised that this was probably the high street, with the garage, a couple of shops and a diner down the road.

Her eyes scanned her surroundings for the danger her wolf had detected. There she saw them, a group of maybe 15 wolves, all leant against the side of the small shop. At the front, a female she-wolf stood, her eyes fixated on Cassidy, sending her hackles up. Behind her, she could see Liam. Cassidy briefly wandered how hurt Jake was by seeing his friend, his Beta, stood there against him.

She wasn't even sure if Jake realised he'd stepped in front of her in a protective stance. She wasn't convinced he had.

Jake growled and his stance lowered, readying himself for an attack if one came. Cassidy's wolf was ready, pushing at the leash that Cassidy held. She was ready for a fight. She wanted a fight.

She didn't remember the she-wolf, but her wolf seemed to, and she was not a fan. Eyeing up the crowd, Cassidy had already decided her plan of attack, knowing who to kill first in order to win, when Jake spoke.

"Leave." He growled the word and sent alpha waves crashing behind it. If Cassidy hadn't been as strong as she was now, she'd have crumpled beneath them.

One by one the group's heads ducked down, until only one remained - Liam. Finally, no doubt causing himself much pain, he dropped his head and submitted to his alpha.

Trusting them to not attack and happy that they'd recognised his authority, Jake turned his back on the group of wolves who'd just betrayed him.

He briefly wondered whether they'd have attacked Cassidy if she was on her own. Just another reason to keep her close, his wolf told him.

Suddenly eager to touch her, he reached out and grabbed her hand, before pulling her towards Darcys. "Let's go get food." He ordered, rather than suggested, as he dragged the reluctant she-wolf behind him.

He had the distinct impression that if he hadn't defused the situation, his little she-wolf would have sorted it, one way or another.

That fact had his wolf growling in appreciation and the man following suit. What was this she-wolf doing to him?

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