The Eleventh Hour - Arrival of the New Doctor

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I lay in my bed, staring at the crack in my wall, unable to sleep because of it; it scared me to death, it wasn't normal, it couldn't be. My Auntie says that it's just a crack, that it's nothing to be scared of and to stop being so childish, but that doesn't help. My sister's scared of it too; she doesn't like to admit it though, so she always lies in the bed next to mine facing away from it pretending to sleep, but not tonight. We heard something tonight, a voice coming from it, something about a prisoner, so she's now sitting upright in her bed clasping her knees to her chest watching it, not saying a word. I divert my gaze from the crack to my older sister looking for a sign of comfort, but there's nothing, she seems as scared as I am at the moment.
"Sis?" I manage to croak out finally. We never talk about the crack, never; it was like some unspoken rule so when she hears me speak she's taken by shock for a moment before she looks to me. She doesn't respond the glance in my direction is her reply. "I'm scared." I murmur, in my childish voice, being five I have an excuse for it, but I know it can annoy my sister sometimes. Without warning she gets off of her bed, comes over to my bed and grabs my hand, pulling me out too. She leads us to the window in our room and yanks me into a kneeling position beside her.
"Dear Santa. Thank you for the dolls and pencils and the fish. It's Easter now, so I hope I didn't wake you, but honest, it is an emergency." She starts, clapping her hands together. She nods to me as I watch her in confusion. She gestures for me to continue, but I sit and give her a confused look. She rolls her eyes leaning towards me slightly. "We're praying." She whispers. It dawns on me finally what my sister's doing once she tells, I nod and think for a second how to phrase it.
"There's a crack in our wall. Aunt Sharon says it's just an ordinary crack, but we know it's not, because at night there are voices-" I start to continue but my sister interrupts me.
"So please, please, could you send someone to fix it? Or a policeman. or a-" She continues, but alike me, she's interrupted, only it's not by me, the strangest noise fills the house; it's a nice noise, don't get me wrong, but it's nothing like I've ever heard. There's a loud crash, and my sister and I glance at each other before she stands up and says.
"Back in a moment." She says, I assume she's referring to Santa because she then looks to me and points a finger at me. "Stay here, I'll be back in a minute." She orders, she grabs a torch and leaves the room.
"What am I supposed to do?!" I yell after her. Her head pops back around the door as she rolls her eyes once again.
"Keep talking to Santa." She tells me and leaves quickly. I let out a loud huff as I look out the window to see that our shed had been destroyed by a big blue box. Santa had sent someone!
"Thank you Santa." I grin and jump up running out of my room and towards the back garden. I see my sister standing in front of the big box. I stand beside looking up at this gigantic box when suddenly the doors are thrown open and a grappling hook is thrown and latches onto the side of the box. I tilt my head in curiosity I step closer, making my sister notice me, she glares at me, realising I'm here, before pulling me back as a man jumps over the side of the box. I stumble back a little, looking up at the tall man, confused as to who he is and what he's doing here. He's soaking wet, literally dripping and his clothes are all ripped and raggedy looking. He seems to compose his balance, before looking down to the two of us.
"Could I have an apple?" He asks. My sister looks at him strangely at his request and I giggle quietly, he's funny. "All I can think about. Apples. I love apples. Maybe I'm having a craving? That's new. Never had a craving before." I start to laugh aloud as he continues, he's acting to silly. He stays sat on the side of the box and looks to my laughing figure, amusement in his eyes; he looks away looking down into the box. "Whoa, look at that." He laughs to himself.
"Are you ok?" My sister questions, a hint of concern in her voice, I've stopped laughing by this point and I'm watching the strange raggedy man as he looks back down into the box.
"Just had a bit of a fall. All the way down there, right into the library. Hell of a climb back up." He sighs to himself.
"You're soaking wet." My sister states looking up to him.
"Well, I was in the swimming pool." He replies I furrow my eyebrows at this, but he just said he was in the library.
"You said you were in the library." I say to him, he looks back to me smiling a little.
"Yeah, how could you be in the swimming pool if you were in the library?" My sister asks. He looks to her now and says plainly, as it was one of the most obvious things on the planet.
"The swimming pool was in the library." I step towards the man who was sitting awkwardly on the side of the box.
"Are you a policeman?" I ask him, he leans forward a little, looking a little more curious.
"Why? Did you call a policeman?" I nod my head vigorously, but my sister nudges me to stop and she continues to ask him.
"Did you come about the crack in our wall?" She asks, he furrows his eyebrows a little leaning forward a little bit more.
"What crack?" He manages to get out before he leans too far forward and falls off onto the ground in front of us after he cringed slightly. I giggle slightly but then my sister elbows me and shines the torch onto the man on the ground, he looked in pain.
"Are you alright, mister?" She asks him. He kneels up holding a hand to his chest.
"No, I'm fine. It's okay. This is perfectly norm-" but he's interrupted as he coughs and a puff of gold smoke comes from his mouth, I take another step closer, but my sister pushes me back.
"Who are you?" She asks suspiciously, assuming that he isn't the police. I don't pay much attention to the question as a small smile appears on my face as I watch the gold smoke rise up.
"I don't know yet." His voice makes me look back to him and I see his hands glittering, I want to touch them, the same god smoke was coming off of them.
"Pretty." I giggle out, and I walk closer to the man sitting on the floor and I sit down next to him, staring at his hands. He looks at me, smiling still before looking to my sister again.
"I'm still cooking. Does it scare you?" He asks my sister. She puts on a defensive look and I shake my head as I watch the conversation, the man looks to me too.
"No, it just looks a bit weird." She comments.
"It's pretty." I say and quickly frown as the sparkling goes away.
"Oh, no, no, no. The crack in your wall. Does it scare you?" He questions. I look up to my sister, I know I looked scared and when I looked up to her, she looked slightly frightened too.
"Yes." She replies. The man started to smile broadly before jumping up onto his feet.
"Well then, no time to lose. I'm the Doctor. Do everything I tell, don't ask stupid questions, and don't wander off. Got it?" He asks glances to me and I nod again. He gives a slight nod in return before turning and walking straight into a tree. I start to laugh loudly again as he falls straight to the floor.
"Your silly!" I giggle, ignoring my sister's nudge.
"Are you all right?" She asks, peering over the Doctor. He glances over to me, and smiles a little as he sees me laughing before looking to my sister and furrowing his eyebrows once again.
"Early days. Steering's a bit off." He replies as he jumps back up again and we lead him to our house.

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