The Eleventh Hour - 'Mackenzie?'

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Picture is what Mackenzie is wearing.

"Kenz!" A nineteen year old red head yells up the stairs. "Kenzie!" The voice yells again. "Mackenzie Pond do not make me come up there and drag your lazy arse downstairs!" I groan at my sisters shouts, I knew she would quite literally drag me downstairs if she had to. You see at this moment, I'm enjoy the warmth and comfort of my quilt and bed, but my dear sister had agreed to go out for breakfast with her boyfriend and he invited me, being the annoying person he is; it's not that I have anything against Rory, my sister's boyfriend, but I do end up getting dragged along, nowadays, to lots of breakfasts and lunch with the two, Rory has this idea that I'd feel left out if he didn't invite me, and to be honest if I wasn't invited ever to hang out with them, ever, I probably would, but that doesn't mean I would like to go to every single date. This will all make a bit more sense when I explain to you that I have a bit of an abandonment issue. It started with being told that my parents had gone on a emergency business trip in the states and would be gone a few years, so my sister and I had to go move in with my aunt Sharon in England. At the time was three, so it didn't seem unbelievable, but when they didn't come back after two and a half years, I started asking questions, and as it turns out, they were dead; you're probably not that surprised, but I sure was. What didn't help is a few months prior to the admitting of my parents' deaths, was the mysterious arrival and disappearance of the Doctor. He appeared one night, when my sister and I were scared of a crack in our wall, and he fixed. He claimed to be this time traveller and when he said he'd be back in five minutes because his big blue box was malfunctioning or something, my sister and I waited in the garden all night for him, he never came back. Ever since then I've had an abandonment issue, I've seen six psychiatrists about it now, I'm still supposed to be seeing one, but I don't go. They would say he's not real, and I know I should know that, but it still feels like he'll pop up one day and we'll carry on our strange adventure. "Mackenzie, get out of bed!" My sister shouts from the open bedroom door. I groan and roll out of bed.  "Seriously, I came in to get you up an hour ago; we're going to be late!" She yells, leaving the room in a huff as she walks into her own.

"Amy, you can just go without me, I don't really want to come." I say to her as I walk into the bathroom and brush my teeth. I reach under my top a grab at the necklace hanging around my neck, I never take it off, Aunt Sharon gave it to me on my tenth birthday, saying that it was from my mum, she left it in her will to give it to me at the age of ten, when I would have moved on from the loss a little more. I walk out of the bathroom and look at my sister weirdly, only just now realising she's dressed up as a policewoman. "Amy, your boyfriend is not a criminal." I state matter-of-factly.
"Shut it Kenz, I have work straight after breakfast." She grumbles at me.
"Amelia! Mackenzie! Are you alright? Are you there?" We heard someone charging into our house and up the stairs. Amy ushers me silently into her bedroom, and grabs the cricket bat behind her door. There's a familiar man stood banging at the door at the end of the corridor. "Prisoner Zero's here. Prisoner Zero is here! Prisoner Zero is here!" We approach him from behind very quietly as to not let him know we're here. "Do you understand me? Prisoner Zero is-" He goes silent as I tread on a creaky floorboard, he whirls around as Amy swings the bat, hitting him in the face, knocking him unconscious. I kneel down and look at the man lifting his floppy hair away from his face and I hear myself gasp quietly.
"What? What is it?" Asks Amy. I shake my head, taken completely by surprise.
"You came back." I murmur, not loud enough for my sister to hear though, she got over the Doctor years ago; me on the other hand, I never forgot his face, I made sure of it with all the paintings and drawings I'd done of him, I'd become a pretty decent artist, and my art teacher would praise my work highly, until she asked who it was, the moment I mention the Doctor, she'd roll her eyes. The entire school knew of my 'imaginary friend' what they didn't know, was he isn't at all imaginary. Amy heaved him up, hauling him over to the radiator further down the hall, groaning at the weight of him. I laugh quietly to myself, something I hadn't done in a long time as I sat and watched my sister heave the raggedy man down the hall. Once she got him there, she handcuffed him to the radiator which I objected to. "Amy, don't it's him, he's not here to hurt us, didn't you hear him?" I argue.
"Kenz, don't be ridiculous, it's not the Doctor, get your head out of the clouds." She grumbles, I huff, knowing she knew exactly who it was, just not wanting to admit it. I sat down opposite him looking at his hanging head, after twelve years, he came back, he actually came back.

The Time Lord's Angel [1] // Doctor whoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang