The Lodgers ~ How to be a Normal Bloke

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We finally retire to our rooms after a couple more less awkward conversations and when we finally close the door behind us I drop onto the bed lying down and relaxing, the Doctor dropping down beside me as I cuddle up next to him, placing my hand on his chest watch him as he finally reaches through to Amy. "Earth to Pond, Earth to Pond. Come in, Pond."

"Doctor!" A loud shout comes through the earpiece that causes feedback that even I can hear. "Sorry." A quick apology comes through.
"How's the Tardis coping?" I ask, knowing Amy can hear me through the earpiece.
"See for yourself." She says and through the radio I can hear the Tardis.
"She's locking in a materialisation loop, trying to land again, but she can't." I inform the two hearing the Tardis talk through the piece.
"And whatever's stopping her is upstairs in that flat. So, go upstairs and sort it." Amy instructs.
"Don't know what it is yet. Anything that can stop the Tardis from landing is big. Scary big." The Doctor replies standing up on the bed.
"Wait are you scared?" Amy asks.
"Orange juice. Neocene Arbuckle. Rare tarantula on the table. Oh." The Doctor rambles. "I can't go up there until I know what it is and how to deal with it. And it is vital that this man upstairs doesn't realise who and what I am. So no sonicking. No advanced technology. I can only use this because we're on scramble. To anyone else hearing this conversation, we're talking absolute gibberish." The Doctor says and continues going on about rubbish and I sit up crossing my legs, leaning my back against the head board. "Practical eruption in chicken. Descartes Lombardy spiral. Now all I've got to do is pass as an ordinary human being. Simple. What could possibly go wrong?" This causes me to laugh.
"Have you seen you?" I ask him.
"So the two of you, you're just going to be snide? No helpful hints?" The Doctor sticks his tongue out at me, which I return.
"Hmm. Well, here's one. Bow tie, get rid." Amy says.
"No!" I protest.
"Bow ties are cool. Come on, Amy, Mackenzie, I'm a normal bloke. Tell me what normal blokes do."
"They watch telly." I offer.
"And they play football." Amy adds.
"Jeez, normal blokes are boring." I comment, realising she was right. "Oo, they go down to the pub."
"I could do those things. I don't, but I could. " The Doctor retorts. "Hang on. Wait, wait, wait. Amy?" The Doctor asks as yet another bang comes from upstairs. I can hear Amy yelling from inside the Tardis and look to the Doctor worriedly as I look to the clocks as the Doctor does seeing that they're going crazy. " Interesting."
"A localised time loop. Time distortion, whatever's happening upstairs is still affecting you." I tell Amy as the Doctor sits down looking at his watch, thinking deeply.
"It stopped, ish." Amy comments breathing deeply. "How's your end?"
"Our end's good." I reply glad that my sister is ok, for now.
"So, doesn't sound great, but nothing to worry about?" Amy asks.
"No, no, no, not really."
"Aims, just keep the zigzag plotter on full." I tell her. "That'll protect you." I hear a cry of pain. "Amy, I said the zigzag plotter."
"I pulled the zigzag plotter." Amy replies grumpily.
"What, you're standing with the door behind you?" The Doctor asks.
"Okay, take two steps to your right and pull it again." The Doctor instructs.
"Now, I must not use the sonic. I've got work to do." The Doctor says chucking some stuff on the bed. "I need to pick up a few items." And I assume he hangs up on Amy as no more is said. "You stay here, I'm going to go grab some stuff." The Doctor tells me and races out of the door, leaving me no time to protest, which I wasn't planning to as I lie back down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, what I wasn't expecting was to fall asleep.

The next morning I wake up to a large banging from upstairs and find the space next to me empty. I sit up very suddenly, the banging had been louder than it had been before and I hear a shower running down the hall and the front door opening. I get out of bed quickly and exit the flat door to see Craig at the top of the stairs the door shutting in his face. "Craig?" I ask concerned and as I do the Doctor comes running out with a towel around his waist and comes charging to the bottom of the stairs holding an electric toothbrush.
"What happened? What's going on?" He asks, not noticing I was stood a little to the right of him until a few seconds later and at that points he reddens a little and I snort finding it funny as he stands there looking like a total loony.
"Is that my toothbrush?" Craig asks descending the stairs.
"Correct. You spoke to the man upstairs?" The Doctor asks.
"What did he look like?" I ask, repeating the Doctor's question from yesterday.
"More normal than your boyfriend does. What are you doing?" He asks directing the question to the Doctor.
"I thought you might be in trouble." The Doctor says sounding a little more embarrassed.
"Thanks. Well, if I ever am, you can come and save me with my toothbrush. Morning Mackenzie." He greets and I smile at him as he walks past to get the phone which had started ringing.
"Morning." I call out to him. When I turn back to the Doctor I see him walking up the stairs. "Doctor." I warn him quietly, but he ignores me. The sudden opening of the entrance catches both our attention and I see the girl from the fridge – Sophie – come in.
"Oh hello!" Sophie jumps, not expecting to see us.
"Hello! The Doctor." The Doctor introduces himself as he hurries down the stairs to greet Sophie and I watch as she starts to look rather uncomfortable, considering he's only wearing a towel.
"Right." She replies as I watch the awkward interaction.
"You must be Sophie." The Doctor says, air kissing her like he did Craig.
"Oh." She voices, unsure of what to say. Afterwards I approach her sending her the hundredth apologetic look in 24 hours.
"I'm so sorry about him, he doesn't really ever know how to react around people, he's a little weird like that. I'm Mackenzie." I introduce myself, scolding myself now that I realise the Doctor's rubbing off on me. "But you can call me Kenz or Kenzie." I offer my hand to her and she shakes it willingly.
"Nice to meet you Sophie, I've heard quite a lot about you from Craig." I smile genuinely.
"Likewise." She laughs as we head back to the flat, coming in halfway through a conversation between the Doctor and Craig.
"Football. Football. Yes, blokes play football. I'm good at football, I think." The Doctor comments as we walk in and I ignore the conversation as I go to the fridge and take out an orange juice carton and two glasses pouring one for myself and one for Sophie which I pass to her.
"You've saved my life. I've got somebody. Yeah, all right, I'll see you down there. Hey, Soph." Craig greets.
"Hey, I thought I'd come early and meet your new flat mates." Sophie says smiling at me whilst the Doctor goes to the fridge, sending me a smile too.
"Do you play, Sophie?" The Doctor asks her.
"No, Soph just stands on the sidelines. She's my mascot." Craig says casually and I purse my lips, assuming Sophie wouldn't like that.
"I'm your mascot? Mascot?"
"Well, yeah, not my mascot. It's a football match. I can't take a date." Craig laughs uneasily and I take a deep breath the atmosphere getting a little more tense.
"I didn't say I was your date."
"Neither did I." Craig avoids all eye contact with Sophie and I nod slowly.
"Well, you, should go get dressed." I tell the Doctor turning to him smiling, trying to change the subject as he looks between the two.
"Yes." He agrees passing Craig back his toothbrush and he walks towards our bedrooms.
"The spare kit's just in the bottom drawer." Craig calls out to the Doctor.
"Bit of a mess." The Doctor comments and I shake my head laughing a little as he shuts the door.
"You didn't say he was gorgeous." Sophie says to Craig. Normally a girl would probably go all defensive but I just laughed at the comment, as I could feel Sophie's attraction was to Craig not the Doctor.
"Yeah well, Mackenzie is his girlfriend, so..." He fades off and I smile happily .
"But he is, isn't he?" I laugh. The Doctor opens the door again.
"You unlocked the door. How did you do that? Those are your keys. You must have left them last time you came here."
"Yeah but I... how do you know these are my keys?" Sophie asks confusedly.
"I've been holding them." Craig mutters.
"I have another set." Sophie holds up another set.
"You've got two sets of keys to someone else's house?" I ask smirking to the Doctor, knowing that it means she likes Craig.
"Yeah?" Sophie replies.
"I see. You must like it here too." The Doctor shuts the door again finally going quiet. And I head over to the door of our room, knocking to make sure I can enter before opening the door and ushering myself in.
"So, I'm going out. If I hang about the house all the time, him upstairs might get suspicious and notice me." The Doctor says pulling on a top whilst I lounge on the bed messing around with his sonic.
"Football. Okay, well done. That is normal." Amy compliments.
"Yeah, football. All outdoorsy." I say lazily, not really paying attention to the conversation.
"Now, football's the one with the sticks, isn't it?" He asks and I snort unattractively, earning a confused look from the Doctor and I just respond with a simple shake of the head as Amy corrects him.

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