The Time of the Angels - Meeting River Song

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"Wrong. Wrong. Bit right, mostly wrong. I love museums." The Doctor states as we wind our way through the different stands of artefacts, the Doctor dragging me by the hand and Amy following behind us. Amy never liked museums, she never got into them, never enjoyed them, and I hoped that might change a little as we started travelling with the Doctor, because, you see, much like the Doctor I love museums, I love to think about what it might be like to live in those days, and now I can.
"Yeah, great. Can we go to a planet now? Big space ship? Churchill's bunker? You promised me a planet next." Amy complains as the Doctor and I continue our tour around the museum; I guess some things never change, I think as I roll my eyes at my sister.
"Amy, this isn't any old asteroid. It's the Delirium Archive, the final resting place of the headless monks. The biggest museum ever." I tell her letting go of the Doctor's hand and spinning around excited. The Doctor laughs at my excitement as he continues walking, leaving me with my boring sister.
"You've got a time machine. What do you need museums for?" Amy asks. I chase after the Doctor a he starts criticising the artefacts again.
"Wrong. Very wrong. Ooo, one of mine. Also one of mine." He states points to the two objects which apparently belonged to him.
"Oh, I see. It's how you keep score." Amy finally comes to the conclusion as the Doctor and I stand around a box with carvings in on it. "Oh great, an old box." Amy says sarcastically as she approaches us, which earns her a punch in the shoulder by me.
"It's from one of the old starliners. A Home Box." The Doctor tells us.
"What's a Home Box?" Amy asks.
"Is it like a black box that you get on a plane?" I ask thinking they'd look vaguely similar if it didn't have the carvings.
"Yes actually, only it homes. Anything happens to the ship, the Home Box flies home with all the flight data." The Doctor tells me, looking a little impressed by me.
"So?" Amy asks, not seeing how it's a big deal, and to be honest, neither do I, but I expect the answer to be good, so I look to the Doctor expectantly.
"The writing, the graffiti. Old High Gallifreyan. The lost language of the Time Lords." The Doctor tells us and I raise my eyebrows, not expecting it to be his ancient language.
"There were days, there were many days, these words could burn stars and raise up empires, and topple gods." He says, a little absentmindedly.
"So what does it say?" I ask him. He turns to me as if considering if he should tell me or not.
"Hello sweetie." I suppress a snicker at that as he looks to the box almost embarrassed. He suddenly reaches into my hair and pulls out one of the hairpins holding my hair in my neat French plait and he then continues to pick the lock of the case. Normally I would probably gawk at the man and think what are you doing this is a display case in the biggest museum in the world, which is the look Amy's giving him, but I've given up being surprised by the Doctor and let him get on with it without any strange looks. As he takes it out alarms start going off and we run to the Tardis.
"Sorry!" I yell as I pop my head around the corner of the Tardis looking at the oncoming guards, it's not their fault a man with a time machine stole something from a display cabinet, but I don't get a chance to say anything else as I get pulled inside by the Doctor.

Once we get the Home Box inside the Tardis the Doctor links it all up to the console. "Why are we doing this?" I ask as I go up the steps to the console.
"Because someone on a spaceship twelve thousand years ago is trying to attract my attention. Let's see if we can get the security playback working." He say as he plugs a cable into the side of the Home Box. We watch as a woman steps out of a vault and winks at the security camera as she lowers her sunglasses.
"Party's over, Doctor Song. Yet still you're on board." An older man states as we see the woman standing with her back to them.
"Sorry Alistair." She says turning around. "I needed to see what was in your vault. Do you all know what's down there? Any of you? Because I'll tell you something. This ship won't reach its destination." She says slowly.
"Wait till she runs. Don't make it look like an execution." The man says to the guards.
"Triple seven five, slash three four nine by ten zero twelve slash acorn." She reads off of her wrist.
"Oh, and I could do with an air corridor." She says glancing up at the security camera again. The Doctor starts typing and pulling levers.
"What was that? What did she say?" Amy asks frantically as I watch the Doctor smiling, he enjoys this way too much.
"Coordinates." He says to Amy. I watch the lady, with a big smile on my face as she continues to say.
"Like I said on the dance floor, you might want to find something to hang on to." A beeping starts to go off and she blows a kiss before the airlock behind her opens and she flies out.
"Mackenzie, dear, open the doors would you?" The Doctor asks me, I smile at the nickname he now has a habit of calling me. Amy and I noticed it when we were in the war rooms with Churchill but never brought it up, I probably should, but maybe not now. As I rush to the door throwing the doors open as the lady from the security footage flies towards us. I reach out my hand, getting the sudden feeling that I need her to be ok. She grabs my hand as I pull her in and we tumble to the floor together.
"Hello sweetie." She says to me smiling and I smile back, not sure what to do as she stands up and points to the disappearing ship. "Follow that ship."

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