Meeting the Newest Vampire Clan ~ Vampires of Venice

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What better way is there to crash a stag-do, than to burst out of a cake when there's supposed to be a stripper and instead your fully clothed and the stag future sister-law? I can tell you one thing, the faces were priceless as I burst out of the cake still fuming with the memory of my sister and the Doctor kissing, burnt into my mind. I recognised most of the men around me from parties at Rory's or general friends and it was clear they recognised my as they all went from yelling 'Out!' excitedly to going into a rather awkward silence. As I look around the crowd of disappointed faces, I find that I can't see Rory anywhere so as I shuffle around in the cake and finally see him I announce: "Rory! That's a relief. I thought I burst out of the wrong cake, again." I say cringing at the memory of what happened all but ten minutes ago. "That reminds me, there's a girl standing outside in a bikini. Could someone let her in and give her a jumper? Lucy? Lovely girl. Diabetic." I say, starting to realise I was starting to sound a lot like the Doctor. "Now then, Rory. We need to talk about my sister." I say as the Doctor bursts into the pub and walks up behind Rory quietly, looking quite regretful. Rory grins widely at the thought of talking about Amy and I felt a pang of guilt go through me at the thought of having to tell him that she sort of cheated on him the night before their wedding, but then remembering how bitter and upset I was at the moment and I forgot the guilt. "She kissed him." I say pointing to the Doctor and everyone turns their attention from me to him, Rory frowns slightly as he turns to look at the Doctor as the frown deepens.
"Tried to!" He corrects sounding a little panicked. "She tried to kiss me. Tell you what, though. You're a lucky man. She's a great kisser." He says and I feel my jaw drop, this guy seriously thinks what he's saying is helping him? And I feel another wave of jealousy run through me. I hear a glass drop and smash as we all watch the Doctor, so un-amused by what he said and the smile he had on fades, realising what he said probably didn't sound as good aloud as it did in his head. "Funny how you can say something in your head and it sounds fine." He tries to fix the mood of the room unsuccessfully; it was rather awkward I have to say.

Someone eventually was kind enough to help me out of the cake and once I was out and stable I stalked off towards the Tardis making sure to shoot the Doctor a sour glare as I walked by him. I exit the room rather dramatically shoving the double doors open, in anger. As I get to the Tardis I lean my head against her and sigh out: "What am I going to do?" And I'm replied to by a hum which causes me o smile, knowing that she was trying to comfort me, and so I open the door seeing Amy pacing biting her thumb nail. She approaches me as I enter but I ignore her heading towards my room as she tries to talk to me.
"Look Kenz, I'm sorry, I just..." But she gave up as I entered my room and slammed the door shut. I look around dismally before going to my bed, kicking off my shoes and throwing myself onto it fed up. I lay there listening to the silence, taking it in, letting it fill me up as I finally begin to feel peaceful and then the guilt kicks in; I could have possibly just ruined my sister's marriage. I sit up frowning as I look to my closet.
"Mind finding me something rather plain today?" I ask the Tardis as I walk to the wardrobe and open it to find a pair of high-waisted jeans, a red crop top, a sleeveless, brown leather jacket and a pair of shiny Doc Martins. I smile at the clothes and take them out and going into my en-suite I take a quick shower and then change, putting my hair into a ponytail before walking out and heading to the control room. As I walk in Amy, Rory and the Doctor was talking, Rory with a very sour look on his face.
"So, this date. I'm kind of done with running down corridors. What do you think, Rory?" Amy asks as I enter and I lean against the railings listening to them talk.
"How about somewhere romantic?" The Doctor asks as he pulls a lever and I hold slightly tighter as the Tardis shakes but calms down quickly as we land and the Doctor walks off as I grumpily follow behind still rather pissed off with my sister and the Doctor. As he throws the doors open, acting all childish, he grins widely shouting "Venice." Gaining a couple of onlookers as we stand in the doorway of the blue box. He walks out staring out onto the cannel. "Venezia. La Serenissima. Impossible city. Preposterous city. Founded by refugees running from Attila the Hun. It was just a collection of little wooden huts in the middle of the marsh, but..." He pauses as he starts to wander around the marketplace around us and I follow solemnly behind glancing every once in a while at a stand. "became one of the most powerful cities in the world. Constantly being invaded, constantly flooding, constantly just beautiful." He says excitedly which brings the hint of a smile to my face as I watch him looking around a huge grin on his face; it was becoming difficult to stay cross. "Ah, you got to love Venice. So many people did. Byron, Napoleon, Casanova. Ooo, that reminds me." He says as he quickly takes out his pocket watch looking at it as he tenses up a little. "1580. That's all right." He relaxes putting the watch back into his pocket as we stay gathered around him. "Casanova doesn't get born for a hundred and forty five years. Don't want to run into him. I owe him a chicken." And I can't help but shake my head at the absurdity of the comment.
"You owe Casanova a chicken?" Rory asks in disbelief and I scoff a little at his simple mindedness to the situation, he finds it totally understandable to travel back in time to a completely different country in a matter of minutes but as soon as someone owes a famous historical figure a chicken it becomes impossible? How does that make sense? But then again, how does any of this make sense? The Doctor is 900 years old and he's an alien, who's the last of his kind, none of this is remotely normal.
"Long story. We had a bet." The Doctor replies and I find myself having trouble hiding my smile. He walks away and I stop as I look at a stand and at what the lady behind the stand was selling, it was mainly just bits and bobs but after a couple of minutes I look over to the Doctor, Amy and Rory and find that they've been approached by some kind of inspector. I walk towards them in time to see the Doctor hand over what he called his psychic paper.
"I am so sorry, Your Holiness. I didn't realise." The inspector apologises profusely.
"No worries. You were just doing your job. Sorry, what exactly is your job?" The Doctor asks him.
"Oh, that's nice. See where you bring me? The plague." I scowl at the man in front of me, faking my anger.
"Don't worry, your highness. No, we're under quarantine here. No one comes in, no one goes out, and all because of the grace and wisdom of our patron, Signora Rosanna Calvierri." I smile as the inspector refers to me as royalty.
"How interesting. I heard the plague died out years ago." The Doctor comments and I think back to history, there were only ever two plague epidemics, the Black Death in 1350 and the Great Plague in 1665, one finished two hundred years ago one finishes one hundred years in the future, there was no plague epidemic in the 1500s.
"230 years ago, to be precise." I narrow my eyes at the inspector.
"Not out there. No, Signora Calvierri has seen it with her own eyes. Streets are piled high with bodies, she said." The inspector told us.
"Did she now." The Doctor mutters walking off and I follow quickly after hearing Rory and Amy talking about something about a Eunuch.

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