Flesh and Stone ~ What the...?

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"Still weak. Too dangerous to move her." River says taking the strap off my arm as I finally sit up, having the energy to do so.
"So, can I open my eyes now?" I ask, not really wanting to walk around with them shut. I hear the Doctor sighs as he remains crouched in front of me holding my hands tightly.
"Mackenzie, listen to me. If you open your eyes now for more than a second, you will die. The Angel is still inside you. We haven't stopped it, we've just sort of paused it. You've used up your countdown. You cannot open your eyes."
"Doctor, we're too exposed here. We have to move on." Octavian says as River pulls me to her side and I lean my head on her shoulder.
"We're too exposed everywhere. And Mackenzie can't move. And anyway, that's not the plan." The Doctor argues with Octavian as he stands up walking away giving Amy the chance to grip onto the one closest to her, I could still hear the occasional sniff from her as she recovers from crying.
"There's a plan?" She asks.
"I don't know yet. I haven't finished talking. Right! Father, you and your Clerics, you're going to stay here, look after Mackenzie. If anything happens to her, I'll hold every single one of you personally responsible, twice." I feel a little annoyed that's he's leaving me behind but let him continue rather than object. "River, Amy, you two and me, we're going to find the Primary Flight Deck which is" He pauses and I raise an eyebrow wondering what he's doing. "A quarter of a mile straight ahead, and from there we're going to stabilise the wreckage, stop the angels and cure Mackenzie." Everything about that plan sounded great, and I was totally for it, other than the part where I'm being left to sit on a log with the cleric and Octavian.
"How?" River asks.
"I'll do a thing." He replies.
"What thing?" Amy now asks.
"I don't know. It's a thing in progress. Respect the thing. Moving out!" But River and Amy stay sat beside me as I clench onto Amy's hand not wanting her to leave me.
"Doctor, I'm coming with you. My Clerics will look after Miss Pond. These are my best men. They'd lay down their lives in her protection." Octavian says. Oh great, another one leaving me behind.
"I don't need you." The Doctor says coldly.
"I don't care. Where Doctor Song goes, I go."
"What? You two engaged or something?" The Doctor asks jokingly as River stands up grabbing my hand and squeezing it gently before walking over to them, I presume.
"Yes, in a manner of speaking. Marco, you're in charge till I get back." Octavian says.
"Sir." Marco replies, it was the same voice that asked me if I was alright when I stumbled earlier. Amy stands up suddenly and I look in her direction feeling slightly betrayed.
"You'll be fine, sis." She says leaning down and hugging me before I hear her walk off after the Doctor, River and Octavian.
"Doctor? Please, can't I come with you?" I ask.
"You'd slow us down, Miss Pond." Octavian says, his voice sounding more distant but I hear someone approach me and sit next to me on the log, I could tell it was the Doctor as he wraps his arm around me pulling me close to his side.
"I don't want to sound selfish, but you'd really speed me up." I reply.
"You'll be safer here. We can't protect you on the move. I'll be back for you soon as I can, I promise." The Doctor says soothingly.
"You always say that." I say a little coldly.
"I always come back." He tells me and he stands up shouting at everyone else. "Good luck, everyone. Behave. Do not let that girl open her eyes. And keep watching the forest. Stop those Angels advancing. Mackenzie, later. River, going to need your computer!" His voice getting fainter as he walks away, and I feel the urge to cry again, feeling completely alone in the dark.
"Yeah, later." I sigh out and I place my hands on my lap, fiddling with my fingers. I feel the Doctor's hands suddenly take mine as he crouches in front on me and I look up to him, my eyes still shut and I purse my lips.
"Mackenzie, you need to start trusting me. It's never been more important." He says quietly."
"But you don't always tell me the truth." I whisper back wanting to stare into his eyes again.
"If I always told you the truth, I wouldn't need you to trust me." He responds
"Doctor, the crack in my wall. How can it be here?" I say, changing the subject.
"I don't know yet, but I'm working it out. Now, listen. Remember what I told you when you were five?" He asks quietly.
"What did you tell me?" Not remembering what he's talking about.
"No. No, that's not the point. You have to remember." He says leaning his forehead against mine and I feel my heartbeat quicken once again as he cups the back of my neck and pulls my face to his as I feel his lips quickly press to mine. My heart seems to jump up as he does this and sink as he quickly puts his forehead to mine again and then pulling away. I sit there dumbfounded, he just kissed me, the Doctor just bloody kissed me. Albeit it was probably just to comfort me, knowing I was scared, but he kissed me, on the lips, not on the forehead, the lips! I know he's gone, he needed to catch up with the others so I sat there in silence pondering over what just happened.

So I also didn't realise this one hadn't been posted so here you go, it's significantly shorter than the rest of them, but it's important so enjoy!

Cyber <3

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