Flesh and Stone - "GET A GRIP!"

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Once I've recovered from my initial shock of begin kissed by the Doctor I listen to the surrounding unfortunately for my sanity all I can hear is footsteps. "So, what's happening? Anything happening out there?" I ask, wanting to know what's going on.
"The Angels are still grouping. Are you getting this too?" Marco asks the other clerics.
"The trees? Yeah." The voice of Phillip, whose name I had recently discovered, sounds to my left.
"What's wrong with the trees?" I ask no one in particular.
"Here too, sir. They're ripping the Treeborgs apart." Pedro responds to my question.
"And here." Phillip says. "They're taking out the lights."
"What is it? What's happening? Tell me. I can't see." I remind them, for the fiftieth time.
"It's the trees, ma'am. The trees are going out." Marco says as I see the light flicker on and off through my shut eyelids.

"Angels advancing, sir." –Philip.
"Over here again." – Pedro.
"Weapons primed. Combat distance five feet. Wait for it." The voices get thrown back and forth and I start to find it difficult hearing who's speaking and where from.
"What is it? What's happening? Just tell me!" I say standing up.
"Keep your position and, ma'am, keep your eyes shut. Wait." Marco says. "The ship's not on fire, is it?" He asks.
"It can't be. the compressors would have taken care of it. Marco, the Angels have gone. Where'd they go?" Pedro asks.
"What, the angels?" I ask, but no one listens to me, and I don't blame them, the Angels can't have just disappeared, could they?
"This side's clear too, sir." Phillip calls.
"The Angels have gone?" I ask.
"There's still movement out there, but away from us now. It's like they're running." Marco tells me.
"Running from what?"
"Phillip, Crispin, need to get a closer look at that." Marco tells them as I feel a little annoyed that I was being ignored.
"What are you all looking at? What's there?" I ask exasperated.
"It's like, I don't know, a curtain of energy, sort of shifting. Makes you feel weird. Sick." Marco tells me after he's lead me a little closer to what they're talking about and I could see light shining through my eyelids, whatever it is, it's bright.
"And you think it scared the Angels?" I ask.
"What could scare those things?" Pedro asks beside me.
"Point me at the light." I tell them and Marco seems to understand why I want them to as he protests.
"You can't open your eyes." He tells me.
"I can't open them for more than a second, that's what the Doctor said. Still got a bit of countdown left." I say mustering up the confidence to open my eyes and look at what the Angels are so afraid of.
"Ma'am, you can't." Marco continues to oppose the idea.
"I need to see it. Am I looking the right way? I have to be quick." I say to them.
"Very quick." Marco finally agrees as he moves me a little to look in the right direction.
"Okay." I breathe out as I open my eyes and light floods in. There it was, a huge blown up version of the crack in mine and Amy's wall.
"It's the same shape. It's the crack in my wall." I whisper.
"Close your eyes, now." Marco tells me but I don't as I continue to stare at it, too afraid to look away.
"It's following me! How can it be following me?" I ask as I sink to the floor, feeling weak again and I feel Marco kneel next to me as he puts his hand over my eyes making them shut. I put my hand to my nose as I feel something trickle down. I know it's blood and I know that means I have no count down left so I stay there in silence.
"Marco, you want me to get a closer look at that?" Pedro asks Marco after a moment.
"Go for it. Don't get too close."
"Hang on. What about the other two? Why not just wait until they're back?" I say, remembering that Phillip and Crispin had already gone to see it.
"What other two?" Marco asks as Pedro leaves.
"The ones you sent before." I say a little creeped out by the fact h can't seem to remember either of them.
"I didn't send anyone before."
"Yes you did, I heard you. Crispin and Phillip." I argue.
"Crispin and who?"

I sit down sit him explaining how he had sent Crispin and Phillip off to look at the crack almost instantly after it appeared; it doesn't do much good considering he doesn't believe me. "Amy, there never was a Crispin or a Phillip on this mission, I promise you." He says to me and I shake my head, not understanding what's going on and why he can't remember his fellow clerics.
"No, I heard you. Before you sent Pedro, you sent Crispin and Phillip, and now you can't even remember them. Something happened. I don't know what, and you don't even remember." I tell him slowly trying to make him understand me.
"Pedro?" He questions.
"Yeah, before you sent Pedro."
"Who's Pedro?" God dang it! I think as he asks this, what's going on?
"Something's happening. Pedro was here a second ago and now you can't even remember him." I say, more to myself than Marco.
"There never was a Pedro. There's only ever been the two of us here." He tells me.
"No, there were five of us. Why can't you remember?" I ask getting frustrated by what's going on.
"Listen. Listen. I need to get a closer look at that light, whatever it is. Don't worry, I won't get too close." He says standing up."
"No. No, you can't. You mustn't." I warn him, not wanting to be left alone.
"Here. Spare communicator. I'll stay in touch the whole time." He passes me the radio.
"You won't, because if you go back there what happened to the others will happen to you." I beg him not to go, no longer for my sake, but for his; this crack effects people's memories.
"There weren't any others." He raises his voice a little.
"There won't be any you if you go back there." I reply.
"Two minutes. I promise." He says as I hear him walking away. A burst of anger and fear runs through me as I call out.
"Please, just listen to me!"

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