Flesh and Stone - "five?"

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"Up. Look up." Is the first thing I hear from beside me as I wake up. I look down to see that I'm lying on top of something metal and the look to the Doctor as he gets up from beside me. I hear someone come over to me and I look to see River gripping onto my arm as she helps me to my feet.
"Are you ok?" She asks and nod my head even though it ached a little.
"What happened?" Amy asks from my other side getting up too.
"We jumped." River tells her.
"Jumped where?" I question as the Doctor walks around scanning things.
"Up. Up. Look up." The Doctor repeats himself and I look up to see the Angels dangling from the ceiling.
"Oh my God." I murmur to myself.
"Where are we?" Amy asks looking up.
"Exactly where we were." The Doctor tells her and River comes up to me.
"We're on the ceiling." I whisper to her, in disbelief.
"Yes, yes we are, sweetie." She tells me laughing at my awe.
"No weren't not." Amy argues stubbornly.
"Move your feet." The Doctor says as Amy moves to reveal she was standing on a circular hatch. The Doctor sonics the hatch.
"Doctor, what am I looking at? Explain." Amy tells him. I look to my sister and walk over to them looking up again as the Doctor says to her:
"Oh, come on, Amy, think. The ship crashed with the power still on, yeah? So what else is still on?"
"The artificial gravity." I say to her and partly the Doctor too, answering his question.
"Yes, the artificial gravity. One good jump, and up we fell. Shot out the grav globe to give us an updraft, and here we are." The Doctor explains to Amy.
"Doctor, the statues. They look more like Angels now." Octavian comments as we look up to the hanging Angels. The Doctor crouches back down and begins to sonic the hatch again. I sit down cross legged on the floor opposite him, trying to take it all in.
"They're feeding on the radiation from the wreckage, draining all the power from the ship, restoring themselves. Within an hour, they'll be an army." He tells Octavian. "You ok, Mackenzie?" He asks as he looks over to me and I nod.
"This is just so, cool!" I say loudly sitting up straight looking back up to the ground. I'm looking up to the ground! The clerics and Amy look at me like I'm crazy but River and the Doctor simply smile. "We have to look up to see the ground. We are hanging from the ceiling!" I laugh completely taken by the situation and forgetting the fact we're still in danger. The Doctor goes back to sonicing the hatch after watching me for a minute. As he does the hatch opens and we both lean over to look inside, but I flinch away from the hatch as one of the lights behind me go out with a loud bang.
"They're taking out the lights. Look at them. Look at the Angels." And everyone but me and the Doctor do so as I watch him lean in and then flip his legs around has he dangles them over the edge. "Into the ship, now. Quickly, all of you." He says ad grabs my hand as he goes in pulling me after. I laugh as I land sideways. I start laughing as Amy peers over the side yelling:
"Doctor! Kenzie!"
"Seriously Amy, it's just a corridor." I tease my sister as she sees us standing on - what looks like to her - the wall.
"The gravity orientates to the floor. Now, in here, all of you. Don't take your eyes off the Angels. Move, move, move." The Doctor explains,
"Wicked." I giggle leaning against a wall as the Doctor messes around with something. He looks to me, an amused look on his face.
"You're never going to get bored of this are you?" He asks.
"Never." I assure him. Physics and gravity were so boring in school but now here I am defying the laws of gravity. I was hanging upside down and now I'm hanging sideways, it's awesome!

Everyone climbs in and drops to the floor as the Doctor and I stand by the little console thing he was messing around with on the wall. As the last of the clerics enter the Bishop asks: "The Angels. Presumably they can jump up too?" I look to the Doctor, forgetting about the Angel factor of the situation until now. I really wanted him to say they can't, but I have a sneaky suspicion that they can. Suddenly the hatch we all climbed through closes as he says:
"They're here, now. In the dark, we're finished." And as he says this the door behind us that leads to the rest of the ship starts closing. "Run!" He yells as he runs towards it, me right behind him, but we don't get there in time and we look back to see the hatch leading outside is open again.
"This whole place is a death trap." Octavian says and I lean my head against the closed door annoyed that it had closed and we were now trapped.
"No, it's a time bomb. Well, it's a death trap and a time bomb. And now it's a dead end. Nobody panic. Oh, just me then. What's through here?" He asks pointing towards the closed door.
"Secondary flight deck." River says as we all face the hatch.
"Okay. so we've basically run up the inside of a chimney, yeah? So what if the gravity fails?" Amy asks, and my happy excited thoughts about the artificial gravity suddenly get ruined by Amy's question and I can't help but glare at her.
"I've thought about that." The Doctor states.
"And?" Amy asks.
"And we'll all plunge to our deaths. See? I've thought about it. The security protocols are still live. There's no way to override them. It's impossible." The Doctor says and looks to River as she works on a different console opposite the one the Doctor had been working on.
"How impossible?" She questions and we all wait for the Doctor's answer.
"Two minutes." His reply causes me to bite my lip nervously as the lights dim and go out.
"The hull is breached and the power's failing." Octavian states the obvious and I almost want to say 'well, duh' but now isn't the right time for snarky comments, no matter how scared I am. As they flicker back on a hand can be seen over the edge of the crack but only momentarily as the lights fade again, the Doctor turns to the dim light from the console and sonics it.
"Doctor? Lights." My voice sounds gravelly as I look to the hatch worriedly seeing the face of an Angel peeking through as the lights come back on again. Once again they go out and we all stare at the hatch as the light dims and then comes back again, each time more and more Angels appearing, getting closer and closer.
"Clerics, keep watching them." Octavian orders calmly.
"And don't look at their eyes. Anywhere else. Not the eyes." I glance to the Doctor gulping as he says that. "I've isolated the lighting grid. They can't drain the power now." He says to River quietly before turning to the closed door and then going to a sealed box and pulling off the seal revealing a load of wires. "There's only one way to open this door. I guess I'll need to route all the power in this section through the door control." The Doctor tells us and I walk over to the box looking as he looks at the different wires. He walks away almost angrily as the Bishop then says.
"Good. Fine. Do it." He approves.
"including the lights. All of them. I'll need to turn out the lights." I turn to him some reason not being able to take in what he says.
"How long for?" I ask him.
"Fraction of a second. Maybe longer. Maybe quite a bit longer." He says walking closer to the Angels before rushing back to the control box.
"Maybe?" Octavian asks, frustrated.
"I'm guessing. We're being attacked by statues in a crashed ship. There isn't a manual for this." The Doctor defends himself.
"Doctor, we lost the torches. We'll be in total darkness." Amy complains and I grab her hand sending her a small encouraging smile feeling all the fear that I can see plain in her face.
"No other way. Bishop." The Doctor tells Octavian and we stand in silence as the Bishop finally turns to River.
"Doctor Song, I've lost good Clerics today. You trust this man?"
"I absolutely trust him." River tells him her back against the wall.
"He's not some kind of madman, then?" River hesitates and I smile a little, knowing that her reply isn't going to be along the lines of 'no, her isn't a madman' because that would be lying.
"I absolutely trust him." She repeats herself and he gets closer to her so he can whisper something as the Doctor turns away and walks back over to Amy and I.
"So you're sure this is going to work?" I ask him, and he gives me his famous smile, my favourite one, the one that says I-know-I-shouldn't-be-loving-this-but-I-do and also at the same times says I've-got-a-crazy-plan-that-probably-won't-work-but-oh-well. I smile back and he knows he doesn't have to reply, because I already know that he has no idea.
"Okay, Doctor. We've got your back." Octavian says finally after he talks with River.
"Bless you. Bishop." The Doctor replies as Amy passes him something.
"Combat distance, ten feet. As soon as the lights go down, continuous fire. Full spread over the hostiles. Do not stop firing while the lights are out. Shot gun protocol. We don't have bullets to waste." Octavian tells his clerics and I watch as they all stand together at the same time.
"Alright, Amy, Mackenzie, when the lights go down, the wheel should release. Spin it clockwise four turns." He tells us as he walks away and we nod.
"Ten." Both the Doctor and Amy look at me confused, and I look right back at them with the same look.
"No, Mackenzie, four. Four turns." The Doctor says turning back.
"Yeah, four. I heard you." I say my eyebrows furrowed as I wonder why he repeated himself to me specifically.
"Ready!" The Doctor says and he sonics the little box.
"On my count, then. God be with us all. Three, two, one, fire!" Octavian says and as he shouts fire, the lights go out and Amy and I turn the bulkhead four times as gunfire goes off behind us.
"Doctor, it's opening. It's working." I call to him as the door opens. Amy and I slip through when the crack is wide enough.
"Fall back!" The Doctor yells. The clerics and River come through next followed by Octavian and finally the Doctor as it shuts again.

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