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Since the teams are chosen, the others go back to the bleachers and sit, meanwhile, Ayu successfully escaped from that hell for a few minutes. He just needs silence, too much sounds and loud people, that's not the right place for him.

"I need something to drink and some silence. My head hurts, I was never used to noisy places, not even when I went in missions." he walks calmly down the corridors looking for a store or something where he can have some water, "I'm getting used to my cell mates, but a crowd of people so huge so suddenly, it's too much for me."

<<No. 33, you punk!!>> Hajime's voice rings inside the corridors, <<Stop sneaking away, you bastard!>> when he tries to grab his cloak, the prisoner dodges it easily.

<<First of all, there's no need to scream like that.>> says Ayu annoyed, <<Second of all, I just want some cold water, I would be back as always, you know?>>

<<Yeah, yeah, sure.>>

"Eh?!" No. 33 finds himself handcuffed in a mere second, <<Then can you escort me to take a bottle of water or something? I'm thirsty and my head hurts.>>

<<Let's go back->> the supervisor feels the chain too loosen, so he looks behind and sees Ayu waving his hands to him, <<You are even worse than Number 15!>>

<<I want water, first.>> says Number 1333, <<You can't catch a shadow.>> he adds with a grin.



When they come back, Yamato and Rock won and everyone is cheering for them. Maybe Ayu should have walk slower...

[The Building 13 has taken the lead by winning two events so far!] Mitsuru is loud as always too, [You guys better turn up the heat in the next event!]

"Ugh, I want to kill him, give me at least a pair of headphones!" that place is really the hell for Number 33.

[Let's get going on the third event! Next is.... Hyakunin Isshu!]

Staring at the flag with the name of the event, the Cell 13 is deciding who's gonna participate in this one. And everyone moves their gaze to Hajime, who annoyed sends Seitarou while the poor guard is bullied again from the members of the Cell 13, and he starts to cry because of them.

"This is easy, maybe I participate too. The fastest we finish, the fastest we can go back." thinks Ayu drinking from his bottle, "But if I go alone, I would attire too many attentions, and my friends would be in danger, so... I need to do a support work, just to distract the opponent, and win easily."

[The rules of Hyakunin Isshu, also known as competitive karuta, are very easy! This match requires mental strength and concentration! Three members are allowed to participate, including one guard!]

<<Why three?>> questions Rock to Hajime.

<<The third member is a replacement.>> replies the officer, <<This game consumes a great deal of mental power, to the point that participants will collapse. This is the countermeasure.>>

<<Is that extreme?>> Rock chats with Sugoroku and Seitaro, while Jyugo hopes that they wouldn't choose him just because he is Japanese. Number 1333 sees his insecurity, so he steps forward.

<<I have a plan, can I participate to this one?>> he says, <<I and Uno will play.>>

<<Why Number 11 too?>> asks Seitarou confused.

Number 1333Where stories live. Discover now