Old Troubles

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Crawling in the vents, Ayu tries to orientate himself and understand which path is the best to go to the next floor, but so far, almost all the shortcuts are guarded and now he's valuating which one is worth the efforts to take down the robotic guards. One thing catch his attention, in the middle of the desert corridors, there are a bunch of files left on the ground, and peeking a bit, the assassin decides to climb down and see those files. They hit his curiosity with the "enhancement projects" words.

<<Someone dropped it?>> he whispers picking one article, "Enhancement of the subject 1475. After the first treatment, the subject is showing signs of cannibalism due to the wolf cells- These insane people were trying to recreate in a laboratory a werewolf?" he drops the paper and change, "This is one was fated to be a human war machine, an android... What the fuck is wrong with people?" giving a quick look to every top secret file in there, Ayu finds something familiar, <<Subject number 3333, invincible and capable of the impossible. His main function is just one: kill in the darkness and in silence. Final goal: the most dangerous and skilled assassin on the planet." Huh?>> he flips the pages and looks at them with an angry and annoyed expression, <<I still remember all the tortures you did on me, asshole- Mh? This is Jyugo's.>> "Crap!" he quickly jumps back in the vents and closes the entrance just in time, before a duo walks in there.

<<Oh, here they are!>> a young man with neon green hair runs over the files and picks them up so happy to have found them, <<I thought boss would kill me!>>

<<This is because you're dumb as fuck.>> another young man but with neon blue hair approaches the other, <<We're not here to play, pick those damn files and let's go back.>>

"I know them." thinks Ayu spying on them, "V and D... The team should count three members, the third is named B if I recall correctly. This mean that the man with the blades is here too? If so, to do what? For me or Jyugo or like Elf said, to pick more subjects? Don't tell me that the mess that is happening here is his fault."

<<I thought I heard a voice coming from here, it wasn't Enki's, not from his subordinates... I wonder, who else is here?>> says the young boy with the neon green hair called V, <<I'm sure I heard someone.>>

<<Who cares! Oi, you fucking old man, what about walking faster, hah?>> thunders D looking behind him.

<<Yes, yes, I'm here.>>

"That's Qi, why the hell he is with them and has Nico's bag? They took him as hostage?" Ayu's eyes follow the inmate walking with an apologetic demeanor, "I should try to take at least Nico's bag, we must hurry and up and go over Hajime, if that squad finds us, it would be troublesome."


In the management office, the inmates are resting and are quiet like Ayu ordered. Jyugo is looking for water or something that can help the sick Nico to feel better, and instead of a bottle of water, what he finds is only piles of files about inmates, and a big red safe. Curious, he opens it and peeks in that mysterious thing.

"Convicts, death row inmates, escapees... Even civilians? What was wrong with that prison guard?" he flips the page and jerks, "This is... Ayu's file? 20 years old, so he's the oldest in our cell, wait... what is this? Human Experimentation...? Specimen Number 3333, created to be the most dangerous and skilled assassin on the planet? I can't believe his body was modified with so many experiments... Hold on, this is mine... I'm in the same category... that wasn't a dream after all..." he gently touches his heavy choker when someone calls him.

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