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It's been a while since Jyugo tried to escape all by himself, but his friends have forgot about it quickly, now their routine has been restored: lots of escaping from Hajime, they play games once the supervisor beat and put them in the cell again. Rock and Uno are the moms for Ayu because he keeps skipping meals when they aren't looking at him, so during breakfast, lunch and dinner, the two inmates force him to sit in between and stare at him until he cleans the plate.

After that, everyone noticed two little differences in Number 33, first: he got protective about Jyugo, he always watches him with the corner of his eyes, and if the inmate is in trouble, the killer immediately helps him in whatever he needs. Second, he's definitely interacting more with his cellmates, he speaks with Uno to ask if he wants to accompany him in the game room, suggesting things like playing together or if Number 11 wants, Ayu could teach him how to play the piano. When Nico needs to go in the infirmary for his daily checks, the assassin goes along and while Number 25 does the visit, Ayu stays by his side and reads aloud the manga that Nico wants, which he's enjoying; Ayu is an excellent actor, he can modify his voice in so many ways that the little green inmate can almost see the heroes he loves in that dark banged guy. Just like with Uno, when Ayu approaches Rock, he asks to accompany him somewhere, this time is in the library because he wants some advices about culinary books, Rock's knowledge in food hit Number 33's interest and now he wants to know more about the field.

As he's trying to know his friends and not excluding himself from the group, the inmates are learning some new things about Ayu; they always ask him if he can tell a story about his missions, and since every time the killer doesn't know where to begin, Nico had a brilliant idea; write on a piece of paper the first words they think, then put them in a bowl, draw three of them and decide which story their friend will tell. Today, Rock draws the words "dangerous" , "run" , "street", and they are served with Ayu's escaping from the police with a car chasing.

<<I was in Los Angeles, my researches showed me that the place was strictly guarded, but the party that the hotel held, was helpful.>> narrates Number 33, <<I got inside with the orchestra group, kept my identity well-hidden changing my appeal as much as I could, and took the place of the soloist. Staying in the center of the stage where I could look everywhere was my goal, and when the show was over, the prey approached me to congratulate about my performances, and he invited me in his room.>>

<<Woah, stop buddy!>> says Uno, <<Are you going to tell us a R18 scene? If yes, please skip it!>>

<<Actually, nothing happened.>> confesses Ayu, <<I dressed up like a woman to have more chances, but->>

<<Ayu-chan was a girl?!>> exclaims Nico, <<And people didn't recognize you?>>

<<Someone recorded the show and uploaded on internet, if you want to see it->> he's crushed by everyone who runs quickly to their laptop and search that video, they MUST see Ayu dressed up like a girl.

After open internet and go on the YouTube page, Uno digits the title that the assassin said and a video shows with tons of views. He clicks on the link and the video starts; a womanly figure walks on the stage and the public reacts with a long wow; a gorgeous long dress painted in white, light blue and dark purple lays on that person, making them shine due to the gems decorations on it. And when the singer starts the performance...

<<....You're joking, it's not you.>> comments Rock, <<You've a muscular body, that person looks so fragile and... girly.>>

<<You didn't know that I've that type of body until we took a bath together.>> talks back Ayu with a smirk, <<It's a bit hard, but even a toned body like yours can become more girly.>>

Number 1333Where stories live. Discover now