9. Attempt

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Harry watched as Louis ran out of the room.

He couldn't believe his captor had just left him by himself.

After Louis didn't return for several moments, Harry figured this might be his only chance to escape.

He leaned his bound hands down to the tape on his ankles, ripping the tape off the best he could. He finally teared through it completely.

Harry stood up from his seat, reaching up to his mouth and tearing the tape off of it. He let out a small cry from the pain of the rip.

Harry sighed loudly.

There was no going back now.

Harry slowly walked over to the front door, opening it as quietly as possible. He crouched down before walking through the door completely.

Once he reached the front door steps, he figured he was finally home-free when suddenly a voice screamed from inside.


Harry knew he had to get out of there and fast.

He started running as fast as he could into the darkness of the forest.

"Get back here!"

Harry heard the voice yell from behind him, but he kept running deeper into the woods.

Although the darkness was scary, Harry didn't care. He just needed to get away from the dangerous criminal chasing him.

Just when Harry thought he was making progress in his escape, he tumbled forward; causing his foot to become wedged between two large boulders.

Harry yelled in pain as he fell to the floor. He clutched his ankle with his bound hands, trying desperately to pull his foot from the rocks.

He started panicking when he heard a pair of footsteps approaching him in the distance, causing Harry to frantically tug on his foot even more.

"Well.. Well.." A mysterious voice said in the distance. "What do we have here?"

Louis approached from within the trees.

"A mouse caught in a trap?" Louis chuckled under his breath. "Karma's a bitch, isn't it?"

"Please.." Harry began. "Just leave me alone."

"Okay then." Louis shrugged, leaning against a nearby tree. "I'll leave you alone."

Louis stood in silence, watching the boy desperately pull on his foot.

Harry finally threw his hands up in defeat.

"Any luck?" Louis snickered.

"Aren't you gonna help me?" Harry asked.

"And why would I do that?" Louis said. "You told me to leave you alone.. Remember?"

"Please.." Harry groaned. "Just.. Help me."

"Considering the fact that you tried to escape.." Louis raised a brow. "I should probably just leave you here."

"Well, what did you expect me to do!?" Harry shook his head. "You left me alone for an extended period of time.. As a hostage taker, that was a bad move on your part."

"Well I don't exactly do this kinda thing for a living, ya know."

"I thought you did?" Harry pondered.

"I said I was in prison.." Louis paused. "I never said what I was in prison for."

"Ouch!" Harry went back to tugging on his foot, crying out in pain. "Can't you just help me! Please!"

"Hmm.." Louis pressed his body away from the tree. "I don't think I will."

Louis started walking away, chuckling to himself.

"Wait!" Harry yelled. "Where are you going!"

"I dunno.." Louis teased. "I'm kinda thirsty.. I'll be back.. Whenever."

Harry sighed loudly as he continued to pull on his foot for what seemed like hours. He tried to move the rocks but they were too heavy. His situation seemed hopeless as the pain became more intense with each tug.

Finally Louis returned, holding a soda in one hand. He leaned against the tree once again. "Oh.. you're still here?"

"Please just help me!" Harry's eyes started to well up with tears. "I'm sorry I tried to run, okay? Just.. help me. It hurts so bad!"

"Why should I?" Louis sipped his drink.

"Because.." Harry shook his head. "This is just cruel!"

"Well.." Louis shrugged. "You kinda brought this on yourself."

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