16. Truth

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Harry walked into the motel room while Louis followed close behind with his gun drawn.

He slammed the door shut.

"I can't believe that little stunt you pulled." Louis snarled. "All you are is nothing but trouble."

Harry turned around, facing his captor head on.

"You got the motel you wanted." Harry sighed, standing in the middle of the room. "Now what?"

Louis walked in front of him. "Get on the bed."

Harry's eyes widened. "What-"

"Just do what I say." Louis said, sternly.

Harry timidly sat on the edge of the motel bed, looking up at the criminal standing above him.

Louis raised his gun. "Lean back."

Harry gulped, keeping eye contact as he scooted to the middle of the bed.


"All the way to the headboard."

Harry shyly scooted all the way to the headboard.


Louis bit his lip. "Now wrap your hands around it."

Harry obeyed. He lifted his hands up above his head, sticking them through the headboard.

Louis walked over to him. He pulled out the tape from his pocket and taped his hands to the headboard.

He set the tape down on the desk next to the bed, putting the gun in his back pocket.

"Wow.." Harry scoffed. "You actually aren't pointing your gun at me?" He rolled his eyes. "I'm shocked."

"Hey.. Let's watch the sass, eh?" Louis took off his shoes. "Any other criminal would have killed you by now with an attitude like that."

Louis walked to the other side of the bed, laying beside Harry.

Harry sighed. He was laying flat on his back with his hands tied above him uncomfortably.

Louis leaned back on the bed before turning on the tv.

"So.." Harry began. "You really only kissed me to manipulate me, huh?"

"Yeeeup.." Louis stared straight ahead.

"How did you know I wouldn't shoot you when you tried to kiss me?" Harry furrowed his brows.

"Because.." Louis looked over at him. "I just.. knew you wouldn't. You don't have what it takes to kill someone."

Harry bit his lip. "And you do?"

"I'm not getting into this again." Louis began. "Yes, I'm a dangerous criminal. That's the end of it."

They continued to sit in silence as they watched tv.

"So.. If you're gonna force me to sit here with you in this lovely motel room." He paused. "Can you at least tell me why you were in prison?"

"None of your business."

"So you can ask me about my life but I'm not allowed to know anything about yours?"

"I already told you.." Louis huffed. "You don't want to know about my life.. It's nothing but a depressing, complicated mess."

"Well.." Harry began. "I'm asking, aren't I? Obviously I have some interest in knowing."

"Well.. Stop asking." Louis shook his head in annoyance. "Why can't you just sit and not talk for once?"

Harry let out a large breath, looking back at the television.

Louis noticed the sad look on Harry's face.

"Like I said before.. I never wanted any of this to happen." Louis broke the silence. "I never wanted to go to jail.. I never wanted to turn to a life of crime.. I never wanted to kill him."

Harry turned his head. "Kill who?"

Louis knew he shouldn't be telling Harry this.. He was just so lonely. It was nice to actually have someone to talk to..

Even if it was by force.

"He was my sister's boyfriend." Louis frowned. "He was a horrible man. He was so abusive toward her. I-I just couldn't let it continue."

"What did you do?"

Louis fumbled with his hands. "One night.. I came home to find him hitting her again.. I-I just lost control. I couldn't contain myself.. I just lost it."

"What happened?" Harry asked.

"I beat him." Louis' voice trembled. "I beat him to death."

Harry's eyes widened as he listened to him speak. "Oh."

"So I ran.. I had to turn to a life of crime.." Louis' eyes dampened. "Even if I didn't want to."

"I'm.." Harry shook his head. "Im so sorry."

"When the cops finally found me.. I was devastated. I knew I couldn't live the rest of my life in prison. I-It's such a horrible place..I had to escape."

"Well.." Harry shrugged. "You didn't mean to kill him.. Right?"

"No!" He shouted. "I just wanted to scare him.. make sure he never hurt my sister again. I never meant to kill him."

"I don't think that makes you a murderer." Harry added. "Or a criminal. It sounds like you just made a mistake."

Louis looked over at him, his eyes glazed over. "You don't?"

"No." He paused. "I don't."

"You're the first person to ever tell me that."

"I'm just being honest.."

"Well." Louis wiped his eyes. "Thanks. I guess."

Harry tried to respond.


"That still doesn't make me any less dangerous." Louis interrupted. "Got it?"

"Yeah.." Harry leaned back. "I got it."

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