11. Watch

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"I never wanted any of this, ya know.." Louis shook his head.

Harry looked up. "Any of what?"

"Any of this!" Louis stood up straight. "I never thought my life would turn out the way it did.."

Harry stayed quiet, listening to him rant.

"But I guess life has a funny way of fucking you over.."

Louis sat down, rubbing his forehead in frustration.

"It's not too late.." Harry began. "Nobody's gotten hurt yet.. You could leave now and-"

"Not this again.." Louis sighed. "It is too late, ok.."

"It's never too late."

"Don't try and pull that fortune-cookie bullshit with me, sweetheart." He frowned. "It's always too late.."

"Well, you can't just keep me here forever! What's the end result, huh!? You finally letting me go?!" Harry paused, tears streaming down his face. "No! You're probably gonna kill me! If you're gonna kill me, you might as well just do it now and get it over with! I-I can't take the anticipation of it!"

A snarl formed on Louis' face as he listened to him shout. He stood up, causing Harry to gulp.

"You want me to kill you, huh?" Louis waved his gun in Harry's face.

Harry's face turned red. "Um.."

"Come on, tough guy.." Louis lifted his gun, pointing it straight at his head. "Just say the word.."

Harry looked down the barrel. He felt a rush of adrenaline flush his body as he turned his attention toward Louis' eyes.

"Go on.." Harry bit his lip.

Louis paused. "...what?"

"I said.. go on.." Harry repeated. "If you're gonna do it.. you might as well just do it."

Louis didn't know what to say. He didn't expect such a reaction from his hostage.

"No.." Louis lowered his gun, causing Harry to let out a sigh of relief. "I'm not quite finished with you yet."

Harry looked down at the floor, breathing heavily.

You could cut the tension with a knife as they both sat in silence.

Louis cleared his throat. "So.. you mentioned you like to watch tv?"

Harry looked up at him in disbelief.

This man had just threatened his life, now he's making small talk?

"Um." He paused. "Yeah.. I guess.."

"What do you usually watch?"

Harry cocked his head.

"What?" Louis shrugged his shoulders. "I'm bored, alright."

"Um.. I like to watch Friends.. or Gogglebox."

"Gogglebox is great."

"Yeah.. It's pretty cool."

"Let's watch it." Louis suggested

Harry didn't know how to respond.

"Umm.." He grumbled. "Okay?"

Louis grabbed the remote. He turned on the tv, flipping through the channels.

"This one's my favorite.." Louis leaned back in his seat, turning on an episode.

Harry exhaled. "How can you do that?"

"Do what?" Louis turned toward him.

"Just.." He furrowed his brows. "Threaten someone's life one minute and then act completely normal the next?"

"Because.." Louis scoffed. "I don't like to dwell on the past."

"But it happened like.." Harry looked down at his watch in a sarcastic manner. "2 seconds ago."

"It's still the past."

"I just don't see how you can just sit and watch tv right now." Harry shook his head in disbelief. "Can't you just let me go, already?"


"Why not? If you're not gonna kill me you might as well just let me go.." Harry softened his voice. "Please.. hasn't this gone on long enough?"

"I said no." Louis grew annoyed.

"Please.. I promise I won't-"

"Enough! Since you love to complain so much, How about instead of watching tv.. I just tie you up and throw you in that closet?" Louis tilted his head in a sarcastic manner. "Would you like that better?"

Harry looked back at the tv, keeping quiet.

"I said.." The criminal leaned in, urging him to speak. "Would you like that better?"

"No." The curly-headed boy shook his head.

"That's what I thought.." Louis leaned back. "Now just.. shut up and watch tv."

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