Chapter 20 - The Contract

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*Stuart's POV*

Everyone's gathered around the table to discuss about Kaz's problem. I learned that he was in trouble because of a picture that went viral in social media.

"So," Angelo spoke, "who was the girl?"

"I dunno," Kaz answered with frustration," she was just one of my fans."

"If she is just your fan, how did she end up on your bed?" I asked. I was referring to the girl lying next to him in the photo that went viral in social media. KAZ clearly has no idea that the girl took a picture of them together. He was sleeping half-naked when the picture was taken.

"As far as I can remember, I met her in a bar. I was drunk so I cannot remember how we end up on my room," Kaz explained.

"Wait," Mago intertupted, "let me get this straight. You were drunk when that happened? I thought you stopped drinking?"
"I drunk when I learned that Patricia was alone with Stuart in Angelo's island," KAz answered instantly.

"Are you blaming this incident to me?" I raised my voice.

"Hey, hey!" Marco tap our shoulders, "let's take this coolly. No one is blaming anyone. We just need to think about how Kaz can get away with this scandal."

I decided not to say anything but I gave Kaz a meaningful look to tell him that whatever I plan to do in order to win Patricia back is none of his business. Besides, the day I spent alone with Patricia in the island is very special because it is the day when I finally admitted to myself that I love her; something that I should have done years ago.

They continued to talk about the problem while my thoughts drifted towards my plans for tomorrow. Tomorrow will be Patricia's first day of work as my secretary and I have lined up a lot of things that we will do together. I can't help but feel excited about having her next to me for the whole day tomorrow and I plan to keep it that way, every minute and every second of the day. She will never be able to say no to all my demands, and I will make sure of that.

"Stuart, you're spacing out again," Angelo called my attention, "could you please help us out here before you start imagining things."

"I am thinking of a solution, you fool!" I lied.

"So what do you have in mind?" Angelo asked.

"I was still assessing the whole situation," I lied again, "Kaz, could you tell us some more details?"

Kaz told us the details of what happened that night. He repeated that he was too drunk to remember what happened that night but he did not worry about it since he did not see the girl when he woke up the next day.

"She could just be an avid fan who took a picture of you together on bed as souvenir," Mago concluded.

"If that is the only case, then there should be no problem," Kaz run his fingers through his hair, "but we found out that she is only fifteen years old and her parents sued me for seducing their child."

"What?!" Marco stood in awe, "how could you not know she was that young?"

"I was drunk, Marco. And I did not even know what happened in my room!" Kaz blurted.

"Have you spoken with her parents?" Angelo asked.

"Roger is still talking to them as of this moment," Kaz answered, "he also requested for an investigation."

"Man," Mago sighed, "you are indeed in big trouble."

"I am just hoping that nothing happened between us. I can't remember anything and I am sure I was dead asleep when I reached my bed. If we had sex, then she must have initiated everything; which I doubted. She was too young to do such thing," Kaz heaved a sigh.

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