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Chapter One

A month later and Harry has gotten used to this whole invisible stuff, he's even learnt how to control it. He can decide when to be invisible and when not to be invisible.

It's been pretty good for getting his own way and playing some pretty funny pranks on people. He's not too bothered by the whole 'being alone thing' because he now has something to do to occupy himself.

The pranks first started as little things on his younger brother and sister, then people at school and then it just became something that he would always do even to random people.

He also realised that he could steal things, one day when he left his money at home and wanted to get a packet of cigarettes he simply waited for the shopkeeper to go to the back of the store for something and hopped over the counter and grabbed himself a packet.

He told himself that he would only ever do it when he forgot his money, the next day he even put the money he owed into the register. But as expected, Harry got carried away.

First he was just grabbing a bottle of wine to drink for fun, but as the weeks went on, the bottles increased. It wasn't so much the drinking that was the problem, it was the sneaking around the stores and taking what he wanted that made him enjoy it.

Harry also enjoyed the mild panic that had set onto the town, everyone was suspicious of everyone. Police were baffled, all they could see on cctv was the wine just disappearing. Harry thought he would never be caught, but Harry was wrong.

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