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Chapter Two

Harry was sitting in his usual space after visiting another store. He had two earphones in and was looking up at the trees and the sky. Then all of a sudden his earphones were yanked from his ears.

"Oi what the fuck!" He yelled before looking at the two men in suits that stood in front of him. They both had an earpiece in and he could see that they both had guns in their belts, hidden by their suit jackets.

"Harold Lewis?" The taller one asked.

"Yeah? Who the fuck are you?" Harry asked back, not bothered by how official they looked.

"I'm special agent Callum McGinley, and this is my partner special agent Callum Airey." One of them spoke, the two then showing Harry their badges.

"So what are you doing here?" Harry asked, a bit scared. Were they going to arrest him for theft? Or did they know his secret?

"Well, we came to see you. The thing is we've been watching you for a while and we know what you've been up to." The dark haired agent said.

"So you're here to arrest me?" Harry asked, ready to try and make a run for it. He could easily get away, just turn himself invisible and run.

"No. But we do want you to come with us for a chat." Airey spoke, a sinister hint to his voice.

"Do I have a choice?" Harry asked. He was weighing up his options, he could go with them or run. If he was to run he probably wouldn't have long until they found him again and if he went with them, who knows what would happen?

"Not really. The more cooperative you are, the easier it'll be for you Harry." McGinley said with a friendly smile that Harry felt he could somehow trust.

"Fine then." Harry sighed flicking his cigarette on the ground before standing up and getting ready to see what was in store for him.

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