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Chapter Five

The three boys had gotten to the shooting range, Harry was slightly nervous, he'd never held a gun before let alone shoot one. Callux showed him a pistol and explained everything he needed to know about the gun.

"Now watch what I do." Lux said before aiming at the target and shooting.

Harry nodded nervously as Calfreezy passed him a pistol. The boys had told him it's okay for him to miss the first couple of times and that it isn't a big deal.

Harry followed everything that Callux did and fired a bullet. He missed the target by a couple of inches. About five minutes and a few bullets later Harry still hadn't hit the target and was feeling a bit sad.

"Come here, let me help you aim." Calfreezy said, he had been getting slightly impatient at the younger boys lack of improvement.

He stood behind Harry, placing his hands over the younger boys'. He directed Harry's arms to aim the gun to where it needed to be and placed his finger over Harry's on the trigger. The bullet didn't hit the center of the target but it was pretty close.

"You just need to take your time, you'll get it soon." Calfreezy said as he stepped away from Harry.

"Thank you." Harry said scratching the back of his neck.

The three boys spent the rest of the day at the shooting range, Harry was slowly getting the hang of it but he'd still need a lot of practice before he was at Calfreezy's standards.

After getting back to the house the three of them had their food, Harry was exhausted but it was still fairly early so he decided against going to bed.

"Hellooooo!" Harry heard a girl's voice call through the house. He noticed Callux start smiling so he assumed that it was a friend of his, maybe a girlfriend.

"Ooooh who's this then?" The girl asked as she entered the kitchen.

"Sarah this is Harry, Harry this is my girlfriend Sarah." Lux said.

"Hi." Harry said with a small smile. He wasn't too good with meeting new people but he decided Sarah seemed friendly enough.

"Wait... the one that can turn invisible?" Sarah asked with a little hint of mischievousness in her eyes.

"That's him." Freezy said.

"Can you like... show me?" She asked Harry with a smile.

Harry was happy enough to demonstrate his ability to Sarah, whilst they couldn't see him he walked to a different part of the kitchen before making himself visible again.

"That's so cool!" Sarah beamed, she found it so fascinating that it was actually possible.

The rest of the evening was spent in the kitchen just chatting to each other, Harry was quite happy with being in the house. Despite the fact he could turn himself invisible he certainly didn't feel as invisible as he felt at home.

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