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Chapter Seven

Three months later and Harry had completed his training and was ready to go out into the field. He was extremely nervous but excited at the same time.

"Right are you ready?" Callux asked him.

"Yes." He replied.

"Remember the plan?" Calfreezy asked.

"Yes." Harry replied once more.

"Right go." Calfreezy ordered.

Harry turned himself invisible before slipping out of the van and approaching the house. The house was huge, it belonged to a very wealthy drug dealer and before today the authorities didn't have a way in.

Harry easily climbed over the wall surrounding mansion and headed over to an open window. He shimmied his way in and looked around, trying to remember the floor plan of the house.

He realised he was in one of the two sitting rooms and headed towards the basement stairs. Harry heard what sounded like an angry phone call taking place downstairs so he gripped his gun ready.

Slowly he tiptoed down the stairs into what seemed to be the storage room, there was hundreds of boxes lining the walls, Harry could only begin to imagine how much money worth of drugs were in those boxes.

Harry crept over to the man and stood behind him, waiting for him to finish the phone call. The moment he hung up the phone Harry was visible and his pistol was pressed against the man's temple.

"Slowly put your hands on top of your head and drop down to your knees." Harry demanded.

The man did so and Harry cuffed him. The two Cal's walking into the room shortly after, they had been monitoring Harry so that they knew exactly when to enter the house.

Two other agents escorted the drug dealer outside and into a police van whilst the two Cal's called in the agents that were going to remove the drugs and check out the rest of the house.

"Well done Harry." Lux said with a smile, he was so proud of him.

"Let's get you home, you've done your job here." Freezy said before leading them out of the house.

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