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Chapter Six

The next day Harry was woken at 6:30 once again for more training. The boys had told him they were going to do an hour down at the shooting range before going to test Harry's physical abilities.

His shooting was slightly better than the day before but he was sure to need a lot more training. He was struggling to perfect his aim despite all of the help the boys gave him.

"How about we do the physical tests after lunch?" Callux suggested.

"Can't see why not." Freezy said with a shrug of his shoulders.

The boys were sitting in the living room when Callux's phone rang. He looked at it a bit confused before answering it.

"Hello... Yes, okay... Sure, I'll be there now." He said before hanging up.

"What's up?" Calfreezy asked.

"They've caught one of the others, but he is very agitated." Lux explained.

"So you gotta go deal with it then?" Freezy asked.

"Yes, you can do the physical test alone right?" Lux asked back.

"Okay sure, see you later man." Calfreezy said before Callux got up and left.

"Others?" Harry asked, he always wondered if there were other people who could do things that were perceived as impossible.

"That's none of your business." Cal snapped, before standing up and walking into the kitchen.

Harry wasn't going to take that as an answer, he wanted to know. He jumped up and followed Cal through to the kitchen.

"Others like me?" Harry asked.

Callum spun around before gripping Harry and shoving him against the wall. He wasn't holding him tightly and he wasn't hurting him, he was just trying to scare the other boy in hopes that he would stop prying for information.

"I said it's none of your business." Freezy hissed.

"Bu-" He started before getting cut off.

"No fucking buts, none of your business." Cal snapped, pushing the younger boy harder against the wall. He had always had a short fuse, and it was almost as if Harry was trying to break it.

"Don't I deserve to know if there are others like me?" Harry asked, a tinge of desperation in his voice.

"Stop asking questions." Cal whispered harshly after moving his face closer to Harry's.

"Okay." Harry whispered. He was determined to find out if there was more like him, but maybe now wasn't the time.

"We leave in half an hour." Freezy said before letting go and leaving the room.

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