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"What's the matter?" Tony puffed "Can't handle a little lightning?"

Even through the thick atmosphere and the heavy wind, he could see her rolling her eyes "Wait 'til you see what follows."

JUST AS HE WAS about to ask what on earth she meant by that, right on cue, a mammoth of a man landed in one swift thwack on top of the cockpit. The mighty Thor in the flesh.

"Oh come on!" Tony exclaimed "Who's that guy now? Friend of yours?"

Angrboda chuckled "Not exactly."

He didn't seem to notice either of them and before they knew it, he had ripped open the door of the plane and disappeared inside.

Tony couldn't believe what he was seeing and quickly seemed to forget he was in the middle of an unfinished fight.

"What the hell is he doing?!"

Angrboda let out a short sigh "Isn't it obvious? He's here to free Loki."

Barely a few seconds later, they watched in consternation as Thor flew right back where he came from, grabbing Loki by the collar in one hand and his hammer in the other.

Tony spoke into the interphone integrated in his helmet "Cap, what just happened?"

"I don't know Stark," Steve answered from the inside of the plane "He just grabbed Loki and jumped off!"

"Another Asgardian?" Natasha's voice resonated.

"Doesn't matter," Tony snapped "If he frees Loki or kills him, the Tesseract's lost!"

Angrboda, who had been listening to the exchange, scoffed "He won't kill him you bloody idiot, Loki's his brother!"

"Tony who's on that roof?" Natasha called out "What are you still doing outside?"

"She's also an Asgardian, it's open season apparently," Tony shrugged.

"I am not from Asgard!" she protested.

Tony brushed away her remark "Whatever lady, get off the plane; I have more important things to deal with," he then spoke into the interphone again "Rogers, you take care of her, I'm going after Loki."

Next thing she knew; he was flying off in the direction Thor had gone. Angrboda wiped the blood that had pearled from the corner of her mouth.

"Like hell you are," she spat "Loki's mine!"

And with that, she jumped off the plane without a second of hesitation.

Back inside the jet, Steve stared out the window, trying to process what he'd just seen.

"Is she gone too?" Natasha asked, skilfully managing the joystick as to avoid the frequent bolts of lighting.

Steve caught a final glimpse at Angrboda, free falling to the ground "Yep, she jumped."

"That's insane," Natasha breathed "Do you think she's working for Loki?"

"No idea, but we need to find him first, we'll worry about her later."

Natasha glanced back at Steve and found him adjusting a parachute around his chest.

"I'd sit this one out if I were you, Cap."

Steve shook his head "I don't see how I can."

"These Asgardians come from legends, they're basically Gods."

ANGRBODA ※ Tony Stark  [1]Where stories live. Discover now