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Angrboda felt her stomach drop when an unmistakable tall silhouette with perfectly groomed strawberry blonde hair walked in.

"TONY? Oh my God, you should've told me you were here!" her shrill voice exclaimed.

He froze in surprise, his eyes diverting to the newcomer "Pepper?!"

She quickly walked over and threw her arms around Tony "Thank God you're okay."

Angrboda watched silently. She hadn't budged a millimeter although she wanted nothing more than to walk right out. Tony must've sensed her discomfort; he was clearly uncomfortable too, although she couldn't possibly imagine why.

How in the nine realms had she forgotten about Pepper? In all fairness, Loki's stunt and being forced down memory lane had drained all her energy these past few days. Only now did it dawn on her that she had been a huge and complete idiot.

Pepper pulled away and her eyes finally landed on Angrboda. Her mouth hung open, recognizing her instantly.

"You're the one that came to my rescue the other day!"

The Harpy cleared her throat, praying to the Allfather that she wouldn't have to make a conversation with this woman. The worst part was, she seemed like a pleasant person; so sharp and put-together, a stark contrast to how she had been the other night when Loki's man came for her.

"Tony," Pepper jabbed his side "Introduce us!"

He was glad to have an opportunity to clear the initial awkwardness and so he stepped back, allowing them to stand face to face "Pepper, this is Angie. She's also part of the Avengers initiative."

Angrboda glanced at Tony, it only lasted a second but he could read the disbelief in her eyes like an open book.

Are you kidding me?

Pepper pulled out her hand "I'm glad we're finally meeting properly. I never got to thank you for saving my life!"

Angrboda managed to have a good look at her face. She was smiling politely, yes, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. In fact, there was something else there, some sort of uneasiness that mirrored hers and Tony's. She was definitely not oblivious to the awkwardness of the situation.

But when Angrboda extended her arm to shake her hand, she could practically feel Pepper's gaze land on her arm band... and this time the surprise clearly shook her composure.

"Angie, this is Pepper, the CEO of Stark Industries."

This time around, both women glanced at Tony and their wrath was frankly terrifying. As it turned out, even the great Iron Man wasn't immune to the chill of two pairs of eyes digging holes through him.

Of course, Pepper had instantly recognized the arm band. Tony had spent a full week in the lab making it, right after they learned of Phil's death. Back then she hadn't asked what it was or what it did. She simply thought it was his way of grieving. After all, Tony had a habit of sinking deep into his work when he wanted to clear his mind.

The last thing she expected was to find it around the arm of someone else. This woman, Angie, who is she really? And more importantly, who is she to Tony?

As soon as Pepper left the lab, Angrboda barely said two words before hoping on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s jet back to the Helicarrier. Tony had some things to take care of and said he'd get back in a few hours... but it wasn't like she was listening at that point. He could go to Hel for all she cared.

ANGRBODA ※ Tony Stark  [1]Where stories live. Discover now