12 - GUILT

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IT DIDN'T TAKE long to find Tony. He was standing alone in the large conference room, silently staring out the windowpane. The wistful look on his face broke her heart.

Angrboda got closer but he didn't budge, too deep in his thoughts to heed anything else.

"Did he have a family?" she finally asked in a low voice.

Tony turned around, only now noticing her presence.

Though he would've preferred to be alone, he had to admit Angie was a welcome sight in all this chaos. Unfortunately, even she couldn't tone down the anger he felt at the entire world and he wasn't sure he'd be able to stop himself from lashing out.

"Phil, was he married? Did he have children?" she clarified.

"No children but there was a... cellist."

She got closer to stand next to him "I'm sorry," she muttered "I didn't know him that well but I know he was a good man."

He could feel the sadness build up in his chest and shook his head with a humorless smile "He was an idiot."

"Why? For believing in the Avengers?"

"For taking on Loki alone!"

"He did it to save me," she protested.

Tony's anger flared up and he turned fully facing her "And what were you doing taking on Loki with no backup and a busted shoulder?!"

His accusing eyes felt like they were digging holes through her, she fought the urge to look away "There was no time to get backup, what was I supposed to do?!"

"You were out of your league!" he exclaimed "You should have waited!"

"You can't say that, sometimes there is no other way!"

"Yeah?" he hissed in a much calmer tone "And how did that work out for Phil?!"

Angrboda took a few steps back, losing her temper "You think I don't know Phil's death is on me?! I am completely aware it's my fault!" she yelled, accidentally kicking a chair over in her frustration "Of all people I didn't think you would be the one to rub my face in it!"

And with that she stormed out without a glance back. Tony knew he would regret his words soon enough but at that moment, the anger and grief were too strong to allow him to think straight.

Sleep came with difficulty that night. It felt like S.H.I.E.L.D in its entirety was under a trance since the attack. Everyone was just trying to rebuild and recover, but it was only working so well.

In her mind, Angrboda had replayed Phil's last words to her more times than she could count. She truly wanted to believe in S.H.I.E.L.D the way he had. Obviously the 'weapons of mass destruction' ordeal still left her bitter but she wanted to move past it. The Avengers were still Earth's best chance to defeat Loki after all... and she wanted payback.

Unfortunately, this hopeful mindset was struck down brutally the very next day when she learned that Tony had left the Helicarrier. He'd gone home without a word to anyone, not even her. It stung. A lot.

She knew exactly what her father would say if he were here. He'd call her soppy and soft and vapid... and perhaps she was all of these things.

One thing she wasn't though, was self-pitying.

To hell with him, she thought, her father was dead and gone. He had no control over her, he hadn't for a long time and she wasn't about to let him in now. And to hell with Tony too.

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