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AS EXPECTED, Tony went absolutely ballistic upon learning of the mission at the Stark Tower.

When the five Avengers returned to the Helicarrier in the wee hours of the morning, he had been there to welcome them, shouting like a lunatic. They didn't know how he had found out; although, the disappearance of five out of seven Avengers might've been a good indicator that something was going on.

Either way, none of them had enough energy to put up with his outburst at that point. They were all exhausted, having stayed up all night with barely any sleep.

"I was hoping it would be a fucking joke," Tony fumed seeing them come out of the jet "What the hell were you all thinking?!"

Thankfully, Fury was also there to endure the altercation "We've recovered 26 agents who were under Loki's control. He's pretty much alone at this point, Stark."

Tony's face contorted in anger "You used my tower as bait!"

"Calm down. The mission was a success, there were no victims," Steve argued.

"Your employees would've been roasted chicken if we hadn't been there," Natasha added before yawning "Not sure what you have to be angry about."

"You went behind my back!" he barked "You knew I'd never agree to this; it was too dangerous!"

He looked up, eyeing every person around until his gaze finally landed on Angrboda. His irritation mellowed ever so slightly, but was replaced by something more... troubled, almost disappointed.

"Can't believe you'd go along with this too," he muttered disapprovingly.

The fact that he was singling her out made all sorts of emotions rise in Angrboda's stomach, emotions she couldn't name but one, the most prominent: anger "You'll be happy to know Pepper's okay," she crossed her arms over her chest, her tone cold as ice "She'd be dead if it weren't for this mission... and me."

Tony's irritated expression melted right out of his face. His stomach dropped as any remaining accusation faded instantly. He hadn't expected her to mention Pepper and it clearly mortified him.


"Loki sent someone to kill her. I showed up just in time."

Past the initial awkwardness, the harrowing feeling of shame quickly took over. He felt like an utter failure for not being there to protect Pepper... but the guilt of putting Angrboda in danger by having her fight his battle was almost as bad.

"I-I didn't know that... I'm sorry."

Angrboda was not impressed in the slightest bit. She simply walked away without bothering to answer. After all, she had a sleepless night to make up for. Dealing with Tony, and all the conflicting emotions that came with him, could wait.

Angrboda was in the foulest mood possible when she woke up, a few hours later. She had wanted to go to the training room to blow off some steam but of course, Director Fury sent an agent to fetch her with a new request.

She was getting tired of being randomly summoned by Fury. The agents at S.H.I.E.L.D were probably used to it but she had agreed to join the Avengers, last she checked, not be an Agent.

The irony was, Fury knew she'd ignore him if he called her in through his earpiece. It probably explained why she had an agent show up at her door.

"Director Fury wants you at the bridge," he told her "He says it's important."

Angrboda shot the agent a dark look that made him shudder instantly. She didn't mean to take her exasperation out on him but it was probably bound to happen with every person she came across today. It didn't help that she was harboring a massive headache and felt weary to the bone.

ANGRBODA ※ Tony Stark  [1]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon