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"THIS IS REALLY interesting," Bruce commented, examining the micro-needles on the inside of Angrboda's arm band.

She had offered to help him with his work in the lab as a way to clear her head — and have an excuse to avoid Tony in the process. But much to her dismay, Bruce had started taking an interest in her arm band and wasn't letting go before he could make out the biological mechanism of the thing; not that Angrboda could help him much on that level.

All in all, her attempt at getting Tony out of her mind was a pretty remarkable failure so far.

"Are you done?" she asked referring to the arm band "I can't keep it off for too long."

The hint of irritation in her voice did not escape Bruce. He could tell she was on edge the second she walked into his lab but he knew better than to ask about it. As much as he appreciated the Jötnar as a teammate and friend, she really wasn't the most expressive of people and would probably blow him off.

"If you wanted a rundown of the Gecko you just had to ask."

Both of their heads snapped to the entrance of the lab. Angrboda had to refrain from grumbling out loud at the sight of Tony standing in the doorframe — because, of course, who else on this aircraft spoke in such an insufferable sneering manner?

It was embarrassing to admit, but a small part of her was almost pleased to see him here. Naturally, there was no way she'd show any hint of it; after all it didn't tone down her anger in the slightest. It was even more upsetting to think he was oblivious to it all. Seeing him now, strolling around without a care in the world, only confirmed it.

"The Gecko?" Bruce repeated cocking an eyebrow.

Tony leaned casually against the examination table and pointed at Angrboda's arm band "It's the name I gave that thing. Because it adapts to its environment... Like Angie. She's basically a Gecko."

"I do love being compared to a lizard..." Angrboda let out unimpressed.

He chuckled, completely unaware of the mayhem his presence caused in the Jötnar's mind. It made her want to kick him in the teeth.

Tony then turned to Bruce, still only interested in boasting about his invention "Pretty awesome, isn't it? And it's just a prototype. I'm planning to turn it into a full sized project once all this is over. I'll see if I can quantify the enhancements and..."

Angrboda had already stopped listening and tuned out his voice. On the outside, she looked completely impassible but on the inside, her blood was boiling. He was acting like nothing at all had happened the day before. She was a mess and he had no idea.

Tony and Bruce's scientific mumbo jumbo was interrupted by Angrboda stepping in to grab the device — or "Gecko" as Tony called it — and slapping it back around her arm. The small thwack made their attention turn to her.

"Where are you going?" Bruce asked with a hint of surprise, watching Angrboda gather her things silently.

"I need some air."

They watched as she slammed the door on her way out, an astonished look on both their faces.

"Did I say something?" Bruce muttered completely puzzled. He knew she was tense but her mood had plummeted so suddenly, it was very confusing. Women were confusing, even the ones from outer space it seemed...

Meanwhile, Tony's confident grin had faded completely. The furious look she shot him before leaving certainly did not go unnoticed.

He had come to know and dread that look. It was the same one Pepper had given him the previous day at the Stark Tower.

ANGRBODA ※ Tony Stark  [1]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz