Why Me?

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The jet ride wasn't to bad, New York was only an hour away from Quanico so they only had enough timeto review they case, and learn they all the victims shared the same sexual orientation. It was smack bang in the middle of October so the winter air was coming in, the team walk hastily to the SUV's waiting for them at the airport. "Derek you're sharing a room with me next to Reid so we can keep and eye on him, and the girls will be the floor above us to hide suspision" 

"Do I have to share with you?" Morgan moped. 

"Is there something wrong Derek?" Hotch raised his eyebrow to him.

"No sir, nothing sir" Morgan, despite being a lot being then Hotch was still rather frightened of him, he didn't let the others know that becuase they will just take the mick out of him. 

The ride to the felt like an eternity to Reid, he watched out his window as the cas raced past, the sun was starting to set not that he could really see over the 100ft skyscrapers. He couldn't stop thinking about what could happen, Why me? reid kept saying to himself over an over again, Could they already know I'm gay? What no that's stupid, Hotch told me I was going undercover AFTER we learnt the victims were gay...what do I do? 

Hotch looked at Reid in the mirror, he knew the kid would be okay but there was this feeling sitting at the bottom of his stomach that just made him worry, Reid had a mind anyone would dream of having, Hotch taught him to use this knowledge the way he does but he never taught him about the real world,  not really. Not the emotional side of it all anyway. 

They turned up at the apartments, and got everything out of the boot. "Morgan can you take these up to the rooms for me please, I need a word with Reid" Morgan nodded in agreement and left the two agents alone. 

"Reid, is everything okay?" 

"Why wouldn't it be?" Reid's tone was rather harsh.

"You didn't look to please about going undercover as a gay man"

"Hotch I'm not happy about going undercover what so ever..." Reid's hands were crossed over his chest to keep him warm. "After everything that happened with Tobias, I'm just a little nervous"

"Reid, you don't need to be, we will all be with you are all times" Spencer looked at Hotch, If there with me 24/7 there really going to find out the truth. "Right anyway, this is for you" Hotch handed over a fake ID, Reid still used his real name but it was a normal driving license instead of his FBI crodentioals. "Tonight you will head to the bar called Rainbow, this is the closest bar to were the recent killing took place, I want you just to turn up, buy a drink and watch people, if people flirt with you flirt back, mke sure to get the unsubs attention,okay?" 

"What if the unsub approches me?"

"Like I said Spencer, we will be with you the entire time. Make sure to be there for 8" Spencer grabbed his bag from the car and headed up to where they would be staying.

The apartment was a lot nicer then Reid thought they would be, the main part was all open plan, the kitchen was based at the back corner of the apartment sharing with the living room, double doors hid the king sized bedroom, which Reid liked a lot as it had a grandsized bookself filled to the brim of every type of book. There was also another set of double doors at the back of the living room which led out onto the balcony. Every apartment had them for what he could see, even Hotch and Derek next door. Reid looked at his watch and realised the time, he found a set of towels in one of the cupboards and headed for the bathroom. 

In the next room, Morgan and Hotch sat at the table which was placed near the window. Their room was the exactly like Reids, just a little smaller. Case files layed spreaad out over the wooden top, and coffee in hand. "The kid will be okay won't he?" asked Morgan as he took a sip of he fresh brew. Hotch nodded, "He'll be perfectly fine".

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