Fear was all he felt.

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"HELP ME!!!" Mistuki screamed at the top of his lungs. 

"No one can heeear yooou!" The guy moved closer to him, (Mitsuki didn't want to keep calling him God and gave him the name John instead). The silver shine of the knife glistened in the haunting yellow glow of the low hanging light bulb in the middle of the room. Mitsuki could feel his chest tighten with every step John took towards him, heart beating so hard against is rib-cage he felt it just may burst. John stalked up to him with a clown-like smile, blue surgical gloves, and a white plastic apron. Mitsuki knew this was it, he may be a rookie cop but he had seen hundreds on crime drama's, and he knew this was the moment he was to die. 

Mitsuki remembered the feeling of every cut, every slice and every moment John's fist connected with his face. The torture felt like it had been going on for hours, but in reality, it had on been 15 minutes. He could feel blood trickle down his arm, abdomen, and face, he could feel the bruises forming under his skin, he wanted nothing more at that moment then to die. John brought the knife down for the 8th time, creating a long thin slice across his chest, then another and another. "You see that Mitsuki?" John grabbed the bottom of his chin, lifting up his head to see the damage he has caused. "That is all you're sins being freed, all the filth and dirt that causes through you're veins" He threw his head back down allowing it to connect with the brown stained pillow. 

Mitsuki began to sob, biting down on his bottom lip making sure that he doesn't make a sound. The taste of iron sat on his tongue, as his lip slit, pouring blood into his mouth.

Hours had passed since Mitsuki had blacked out, after another 15 minutes of torture, the pain had been too much for him. He woke up dazed and confused, as he tried to open his eyes, floods of light poured through. The room was spinning, he couldn't make out what was what as his vision blurred. He tried to lift himself up noticing the shackles around his wrists had been removed leaving behind only dark purple and red wrists. He lifted his head and took in a harsh gasp, a pain worse then a blade sat on his chest. He looked down to find the word 'Fag' carved heavily into his chest. He traced the lines with his fingers, this time he wanted nothing more but the scream, cry for help at the top of his lungs but no sound came out.

 He tried to pull himself up and as painful as it was, he needed to get out, but pain struck him hard causing him to fall onto his back. Tears filled his eyes again. "Help". He took in a breath trying his hardest not to cry aloud. "Me Spence".  He looked up at the ceiling, he could feel his body begin to give up, feeling it become heavier and heavier, his heartbeat began to slow down, and darkness drew into the corners of his eyes. Fear was all he felt. 

The sound of people poured in, bright lights danced off the dark walls, colors fo blue, and red. Police. "Spencer" Mitsuki smiled. 

"SIR HE'S LOOSING TO MUCH BLOOD!" The room was filled with Doctor's and Nurses, the sound of machines echoed off the walls, sweat poured off the Surgeons brow, "WHAT DO WE DO?". Said one of the nurses as she looked at the Surgeon. "GET ME 4 PINTS OF O NEG STAT".

"YES SIR!". The nurse ran off. "Come on son, pull through" The Surgeon lent into the body, blood poured from every cut, one cut, in particular, was causing havoc. A deep penetration sat from the right side of his collarbone to his left hip, the gash was so deep that the tissue had completely split away causing the wound to gape open revealing the inner organs. His heart was on clear view. 

The Surgeon worked his best to stop the bleeding near the young man's heart, he could see the light pulse as it fought it's hardest to keep working. "TWEEZERS". His arm stretched out. "NEEDLE AND THREAD" The nurse passed him everything he needed, bloody still poured from the wound. "SUCTION". A long vacuum-like tubed appeared in front of his, sucking up the blood clotting near his heart. He began to close up Coronary Artery. Bright white light filled the room, doctors and nurses worked tirelessly for hours, trying to stop every bleed, every clot, and every infection, but after 5 hours in theatre, they began to grow tired. Trying to keep his blood pressure stable, trying to keep the young man alive.  

"HE'S FLAT LINING!!" The Surgeon looked at the heart monitor, the numbers which read 68 beats per minute had fallen to 0. "DEFIBRILLATOR!" The young nurse handed him the equipment. "UP 80 VOLTS...CLEAR...SHOCK!". The body jolted as an electrical current passed through the body. "NOTHING SIR". 

"Bring up to 100...CLEAR...SHOCK". The body jolted again, and again and again until 200 volts of electrical current passed through his body. 

He was unaware of what was happening around him, his body didn't feel like his own. He could feel it become lighter and lighter, his heartbeat was so faint he could barely register it, this sudden wash of relief flooded over him. The peacefulness of darkness had taken him. 

Outside in the waiting area, Reid and Morgan had rejoined the group after their long talk in the men's toilets. They waited and waited, becoming restless. Hours had gone by and still no news on Mitsuki. Reid sat in one of the chairs, legs shaking, hands sat in a prayer like position at the base of his chin. JJ sat opposite him, then Emily and Garcia, Morgan beside him and Rossi and Hotch were stood up in the corner talking about the case. "Why haven't we heard anything yet?". Reid's voice filled with nerves. 

"No news is good new's Spence". But just as JJ said that the Doctor came through the doors. "Mitsuki Nakamura". The doctor's voice was stern but soft. 

"Yes". Everyone stood up. "And?". Spencer walked towards him. Everything was silent, he could hear his own heartbeat pounding against his chest. 

"We tried everything we could". Reid's eye widened. "But..." The doctor couldn't finish his sentence before Reid felt himself become jelly, every limb of his body became weak, he couldn't hold himself up, stumbling forwards. Morgan was there to catch him as he gripped tightly to his shirt. Reid just broke, the sound of crying filled the room, "NOOOO!" JJ had covered her mouth to muffle the sound of her cries, as she watched her best friend fall to the ground, screaming. An emptiness filled Reid, his heart felt hollow and broken. He grabbed tightly to his chest and he carried on crying. Everyone watched Reid break, watched with a blurry vision. 

"I am so sorry for your loss".


Sorry it has taken me so long to publish this, I just have been so busy completing my final year of college before going to University in Septemeber. (I find out tomorrow - RESULTS...AHHHHH). But anyway, I hope you like it, sorry it's so poorly written and rather short, I've had such bad wirters block for the past month, I will probably come back to this soon and rewrite it when I am not busy. 

Hope you enjoy!!

Only a few chapters left. 

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