Trust Me

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"Dr Spencer Reid, special agent to the FBI's Behavioural Analyse Unit" Mitsuki was angry, Spencer had lied to him, all his life Mitsuki has been lied too, let down, but he felt Reid was different. But he was no better than anyone else. "Mitsuki, let me explain please" But Reid never got the chance too, the line was dead. "Mitsuki? Mitsuki!" Reid slammed his phone down on the table right at the moment JJ walks in.

"Hey what's up?" JJ looked at him with concerning eyes.

"It's nothing" Reid knew that JJ didn't believe him but what else can he say? That the one guy he's truly felt something for has left because of him, because of this job. Reid love's his job but not just once has the thought of leaving sounded like music in his ears. "Talk to me Spence" JJ reached out a hand.

"I said it's nothing Jennifer" JJ withdrew, she knew something was definitely wrong as Reid only called her Jennifer when he was seriously pissed or something was wrong. She followed him with her eyes as he walked out of the room, more of a storm then a walk she thought.

Crowds of people huddled around the fresh body that laid limp on the busy sidewalk. Reporters hauled around massive cameras and journalists with the big noses and microphones. The team ducked under the crime scene tape whilst putting on the blue plastic gloves. "What have we got?" Asked Hotch.

"Male, mid to late 20's found approximately 7:32am by a jogger" Reid knelt down to the body, getting a closer look at the victim. As Reid knelt down everything went a little blurry, his head hurt all of a sudden. He felt a hand on his shoulder trying to support him, there was a voice to but for a second he couldn't hear anything, it was very much like he was stood in the middle of busy traffic. "Reid!" Morgan said. "Reid!" Reid came around and was looking Morgan in the eyes. "You okay man?" 

"What? Yeah, Yeah I'm fine just felt a little dizzy" Morgan helped him up onto his feet, making sure he was steady. "Are you sure you're okay?" Reid nodded. 

"Yeah I'm fine just haven't slept much and haven't had time for breakfast or my coffee" Giving a false laugh. Reid had never been effected over seeing a dead body before, and he had worked on homophobic cases before, but something was different about this, it felt personal. Reid stepped away from the body, when he looked up at the crowd he saw a familiar face. Mitsuki. 

Mitsuki and Reid made eye contact, Mitsuki didn't say anything he just backed away from the crowd and headed down an alleyway only a few feet away from the crime scene. Reid kind of got the hint and followed after him, he checked to make sure no one was looking, but everyone seemed to be busy either talking to the media or checking over the scene. 

The alley was small and dirty, like all alleyway's are, but this had a peculiar smell about it. Like someone was cooking raw flesh, that obviously could be from where the wind was blowing, could be carrying the smell of the dead body over in this direction. "Mitsuki what are you doing here?" Reid was not impressed, If anyone saw them talking, all hell could break loose.

"I needed to see you" Mitsuki looked young and innocent, there was something in the way he say those 5 words that made Reid's hairs stand up on his arms and the back of his neck. "I heard someone else had been murdered so I knew you would be here. I don't want to be one of 'those' guys but after the way I handled things earlier, I didn't want to end it like that" Reid looked at him, Reid never realised just how much alike they truly were. Same height, same build, same eyes, and even though Reid was slightly pissed at him, with those eyes, he couldn't stay mad at him for long. "You still shouldn't have come here...It's an active crime scene and I don't want.." Reid stopped in his tracks he didn't want to creep Mitsuki out, they weren't even dating.

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