Final Fight

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"Dude, you can't go on you're own" Morgan was still holding on to the picture.

"Don't tell me what to do Morgan" Reid's face had tightened in anger, he was still mad at Morgan, mad at them all in fact. Reid didn't know if he could ever forgive them.

"I care about you man and you know that!!"

"Do I Morgan? Because I don't think you do"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Morgan didn't like that comment, he thought that after everything, Reid maybe wouldn't be as mad at him.

"You're fucking with me right?" Reid just stared, he didn't even blink, if anything it was if he'd turned into Hotch. Reid wasn't Reid, he wasn't his shy awkward self, he was irritable, blunt and always angry. It had been nearly 2 days since the incident, no one has said anything, but Reid was definitely still holding a grudge. "Reid, we said we're sorry. How long are you going to be angry for?"

"You think a couple of days I'll just forget about it? You destroyed all trust I ever had for you, I'll never stop being mad" They were all looking at Reid, his face wiped of emotions. But his eye's were sad.

"Come on man, don't you think all this has gone on too long?"

"Just because you are helping me find Mitsuki, doesn't mean I've forgiven you" Reid looked at them all. "I'm still leaving" As he said that he headed towards the door.

"Spence you can't just leave" JJ looked at him with sad eyes, Reid had always been her brother, and losing him will hurt just as much as when she lost her sister. "You're our family" Reid turns back to them as he stood in the doorway.

"Yeah of course, because family spy on each other to double check there not taking drugs, but instead they all sit around and watch as there 'family' shares a moment between someone they like" Reid wanted to cry, but he also wanted to punch a wall repeated until his knuckles became redraw and bled. "You took away the courage I was building up to finally come out to you guys, you took that moment away from me". Reid said no more, he was gone. As he walked away, head bowed, then did the tears start to fall.

Mitsuki just stared up at the ceiling as tears rolled down his cheeks. He counted each spiral and shape that had formed, time felt as if it had slowed down and the pain was gradually fading away. He was done, the thought of dying circled around and around in his head. Then he was Reid, remembering the time he first kissed him, held him and slept with him. The thought of leaving Reid broke Mitsuki's heart, he finally found someone who he truly cared about and he probably won't even see him again. Mitsuki laid back, his body slowly got heavier and heavier, his heart rate becomes weaker and weaker. Watching as the darkness clouded his vision before he was finally surrounded by darkness.

Muffled voices surrounded him, he couldn't make out a single one. The air grew heavier around him, he knew there were more than one or two people in a room because he could at least make our 5 maybe 6 voices. Mitsuki wanted to move but his body wouldn't let him, he was so scared, he didn't know if these people were here to save him or hurt him, or if they were here at all. After a few more minutes everything become a little clearer, he could make out 2 men's voices but didn't recognize either of them. But then a familiar voice broke through the rest. "Mitsuki! Mitsuki!" It was Reid, god was Mistuki releaved, he had finally found him, he was going to be okay. But he wasn't, as darkness took over once more.

What felt like days had only been hours, the team all stood around in the waiting area, waiting impatiently to hear from the doctor. When Mitsuki was found, he was found in a bad way. Besides the word 'Fag' carved into his chest, he was badly beaten with a variety cut marks of all different sizes scattered all over. He was seriously dehydrated and his stomach was empty, with burn marks from where he'd thrown up so much. Reid couldn't sit still, he was pacing back and forth, continuously fiddling with someone, either it's his hands or hair. "Spence, he's going to be okay" JJ placed her hand on his, but he just pulled away and walked off in another direction, away from everyone.

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