It's Complicated

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"Did they..just..." Everyone nodding in unison, mouths  gaping. In complete shock, they watched as their team mate finished talking to the young man. 

Reid gave Mitsuki a hug goodbye and they parted ways. Reid couldn't stop smiling, his whole body tingled with the rise of goosebumps, no one had made him felt like this, ever. Reid has had a few different partners other the years, but nothing this special, nothing that made him feel weak at the knees, nothing that made him feel as if he had a hundred butterflies in his stomach. 

But how he is feeling right now, he has to hide them from his team otherwise they would definitely get suspiscious. Especially if he got in the car smiling like a little school boy right after he had been kissed by Mitsuki. 

He could see the black 4x4 sat underneath a streetlight, the black had become more of a orangey glow. Reid popped open the door and everyone just stared at him as he climbed in. "What on earth was that?" Garcia asked, sounding more excited then shocked.

"What was what?" Reid knew exactly what she was going on about, he didn't know why he didn't say he knew, he just panicked. "That kiss...with that...guy?"

"Well you said I had to be convincing, and when he kissed me, if I had pulled away straight away, if the unsub was watching than he'd know I wasn't really gay" Reid said whilst raising his fingers into the quotion gesture, looking at Garcia, almost starring through her.

"So, did you enjoy it?" Emily said, sat right next to him.

"What? No! Cause I didn't" Emily had her eyebrow raised.

"Are you sure? Because it kinda looked as if you enjoyed it..."

"What the hell Emily, I'm not gay!" Reid said on the attack.

"Chill man, were just having a laugh with you that's all...why so on the defensive? Sure you're not trying to hide anything from us? Like maybe you ARE gay?" Morgan laughed but Reid didn't looked amused what so ever, from what he thought would end as a good night, turned into a shit one. "Fuck sake Morgan, I'm not a fucking fag!" Everyone was taken back by Reid's choice in words, never would they imagine that such language would come out of Reid's mouth. "Clearly" Spoke Morgan.

The Team all headed back to the appartments, Reid went off first, Morgan had really ticked him off this time. Not even saying goodbye, Reid opened then slamed his appartment door shut. "Do you think he's mad?" Morgan asked, JJ slapped him hard across the back off his head.

"OUCH!" Morgan placed his hand against the back of his sore head. "What was that for?"

"It's you're fault the kids upset, you can't keep winding him up like that, otherwise one day he's gonna flip and clout you one across the face" JJ wasn't happy, poor Reid always got picked on, or made fun off. Sometimes she joins in and has a laugh but only when she knows it isn't hurting the kid, but others take it too far and this happens. "He shouldn't take things to heart" Hotch unlocks the door and they all go in. Only Hotch and Morgan are staying the the apartment, where as the others are staying in the hotel next door. 

"What on earth is all this?" Emily was shocked, 5 comupter screens all set up from camera's dotted around Reid's room. "Are you spying on him?" Everyone looked at the pair.

"It's more for his safety"

"So that's a yes" The girls were not impressed, if Reid knew about this, he would blame everyone. "It's both. We need to keep an eye on the main entries into the appartment just incase he does take a liking to Reid, and the other..."


"I think he maybe using again" Hotch said.

"What? Dauladid?" Hotch nodded in response. "But why? He wouldn't"

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