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A whole month had passed since Mitsuki passed away. Spencer hadn't been back to work since then, no one had seen or heard from him. The team went about their work just as they normally would, but not forgetting about Reid. They would all take it in turns to go to his apartment and check up on him, despite never opening the doors, they know he's alive because he will knock twice. JJ was the last to visit, she waited for the knocks and left, leaving behind a bag of food for him. But what he didn't know what that she was hidden on the stairwell, if not to talk to him but to at least see how he was doing. 

Reid waited awhile before opening the door, when he saw it was all clear he piked up the bag left behind by JJ. He opened it up giving it a little smile, she always leaves a little note inside tell him that there all thinking about him, and that they are always there for him. JJ watched this, noticing the smiling. Reid had shaved in a while, created a small beard. Bags hung under his eyes, hair was unkept, clothes looked as if he hadn't changed them in days. He wore a pair of loose fitted lounge pants, a white t-shirt and a dark grey knitted cardigan with the sleeves rolled up. 

That's when she noticed line upon line, upon line. His lower arms were riddled in fresh marks, some net and organised, others clearly slashed with a frenzy. JJ could feel a lump grow in her throat, a sickly feeling in the pit of her stomach. "What is he doing to himself in there?". She asked  herself quietly. 

Reid disappeared behind the closed door, it was the first time she had seen him, and what she saw, wasn't Reid. 

Reid closed the door behind him, slumped over as he carried the bag towards the kitchen area, placing it down on the counter top. Taking out all the contents placing them in their correct places. He rolled down his sleeves hiding the marks, using his sleeves to scratch at them. after a good scratch he noticed he had pulled off one of the scabs causing the would to reopening, blood trickled down his forearm "SHIT!". He walked to the bathroom, grabbing the first aid kit out of the cabinet over the sink. 

When he closed it he saw an unrecognisable face, one of someone so familiar. Himself. He cold see how much he had let himself go in the past month, how much of a mess he looked,but he didn't  care. He lost the one person he's ever truly loved, why should he even bother anymore. He watched as his eyes welled up, watched as the unwanted teas streamed down his face. Tears that reminded him of Mitsuki, ones that reminded him of hearing the news he had died.  Why him? He thought, why was it him that never had anything go right for him. His dad, mother, lover...he was doomed from day one. 

Walking back into the living room, he noticed someone was there. "Hey Spencer". Spoke Morgan, his voice soft. Reid quickly rolled down his blood covered arm, hiding the marks he had created over the past month. "What-t ar-re yo-ou doing he-e-re Der-rek?". Reid's voice said shakily. 

"Coming to check up on you of course". Reid turned away, walking to the table picking up the packet of smokes that sat there, taking one for the packet, and lighting up. He breathed out some smoke. "How did you get in here Derek?"

"Hotch has you're spear set of keys remember, he thought I'd be the best on to talk to you".

"It's been a whole month, I haven't heard a peep out of one of you guys in a month, besides the daily knocks at my door".


"True though, you've had my key this whole time, why now?" Reid looked at Morgan confused to why he visited, but then he remember, remembered the last person to visit him was JJ, she probably saw the marks on his arms, and told Hotch and Morgan. "It was JJ wasn't it?". Morgan nodded. 

"She's worried about you man, we all are". Reid carried on smoking his cigarette. "She told me and Hotch, only us, about what you've done to yourself". 

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