Who Are You Spencer Reid?

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There was a knock at the door, Hotch was in the shower so Morgan headed over. He opened the door only to be expecting the kid but there was no one there. Morgan popped his head out of the doorway and looked up and down the hallways, but to only see no one. He was just about to shut the door when he noticed something small and white on the floor. It was an envelope. 

Morgan bends down to pick it up, turning it hand. He looks for a name but nothing, so he just opens it. Morgan's eyes widened as he looked at the content, a photo of the young agent, asleep in bed, in the room next door. Morgan runs out into the hallway and down towards the exit, leaving the apartment door wide open, leaving a very confused Hotch, who at that moment leaves the bathroom. 

Morgan runs down the stairs, and into the lobby, he looks around but see's no one. "Shit!". 

"What was that about?" Morgan returns to the bedroom, Hotch now dressed in his usual black suite and tie. Morgan hands Hotch the envelope, Hotch giving the same impression. "Wait, Hotch...what's on the back?" Hotch turns the image over reading. "Preccator". 

"What the hell does that mean?" asked Morgan. 


"Hotch, why are we all at the precinct?" The team all walked into a room that they are perfectly familiar with.

"We have been compromised" Everyone looked at one another.

"What do you mean?" Asked JJ.

"This morning me and Morgan received this..." The photo of Reid turned up on everyone's tablets.  

"Is that Spence...asleep?" Questioned JJ. Hotch nodded. 

"It seems our Unsub managed to break into his apartment last night, but how he figured out who we are..." Hotch was hoping for a response from the others, but like him, no one else could think. Reid was unaware of all this, Hotch told him to stay at the apartment and he'll call if he's needed. "Have you checked the camera's?" Emily spoke. 

"Not yet, I wanted to talk to you all first, I have Garcia currently running through the footage back at the apartment, and also keeping an eye on Reid, make sure he doesn't come back"

"But how did he know who we are?"

"But we don't know if he actually does" Morgan looked puzzled. "I mean, he didn't call us cops or FBI, he just left us a photo of Reid. For all we know he doesn't actually know who or what we are, and I plan on keeping it that way"

Reid was wondering his apartment wondering what on earth everyone was up too and why he was left in the dark. He picked up his packet of smokes off the coffee table, as well as his phone and headed over to the patio. The moment Reid opens the doors, he felt the winter air hit him arm, his hairs on his arms stood tall like soldiers, his warm breathing creating a white cloud. HIs whole body shivered, he opened the packet of cigarettes pulled out the lighter and a smoke, and placed it between his lips. His hands shook as he tried to spark up, finally a warm orangey light hit the end of his knows. He took in a big lung full and breathed out, releasing the toxic crap.

Reid watched people as people walked past, couples, families, owners and there pets. Before he would have just seen them as normal people but now, he questions whether or not they could be a killer, or could become one. This job has not only made Reid's life dangerous, it has changed the way he see's people, always watching, profiling.

He lent himself against the metal railings, that was between him, and a nasty fall. Reid stubbed his cigarette out in the ashtray next to him, but stayed where he was. He wanted to watch the people more, he missed being kind of normal, but he wouldn't change who or what he had become for nothing. Reid's phone vibrated in his pocket, it was Mitsuki, he was ringing. He pressed the green button and placed it to his ear. "Hello" Reid said with a smile. 

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