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The next day, Evan sat at his usual table waiting for Connor. Connor was always a few minutes late to lunch, and Evan had never bolstered the courage to ask why. He just waited.

Evan looked up from his book when Jared plopped down across from him.

"'Sup nerd?" he asked, setting his tray down and devouring his sandwich.

"H-hi, Jared." Evan returned to reading his book. He was just getting to a good part and wanted to finish before Connor arrived and made him start his homework.

"Aren't you wondering why I'm sitting here?" Jared asked when Evan ignored him.

"N-not really,"

Jared continued like Evan hadn't spoken.

"My real friends are on a field trip today so I decided not to sit alone like a loser." Jared looked at him pointedly. Evan just shrugged.

"I'm w-waiting for Connor." He said without looking up.

"Ah, yes, your paid associate."

"Keep it down!" Evan said, looking around to make sure no one could hear.

Jared laughed gleefully, happy to have gotten a rise out of his family friend.

He would have continued to tease him, but just then, Ferb Gunner walked over.

"Kleinman, get up, come sit at the popular table." He said.

Jared stood immediately, taking his tray and calling, "Later loser," over his shoulder.

Evan watched Jared leave and Connor take his place.

"What did that asshole want?" Connor asked.

Evan looked at him sharply.

"D-don't call him th-that."

"What, an asshole?" Connor smirked at the expression on Evan's face that he probably thought was intimidating. He just looked like an angry puppy, and it was super cute. It took all of Connor's will power not to laugh at him. He tried to look properly chastised. "He doesn't mind though."

"He w-would if you s-said it to him." Evan mumbled, not sure why he was defending Jared so much.

"No he wouldn't." Connor stood up on his chair and turned towards the poplar table at the center of the cafeteria. Evan knew what was going to happen and tried to shrink down in his seat so no one would look at him. "HEY KLEINMAN!" Connor shouted. Everyone looked at him, including Jared. "YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE!"

"THANK YOU!" Jared called back.

The lunch monitor, Mr Reyes shouted, "DETENTION CONNOR MURPHY!"

"THANK YOU!" Connor shouted back, grinning. He sat back down and looked at Evan who had turned redder than a tomato. "See? Told you he wouldn't mind."

"Oh m-my god, Connor." Evan said.

"Well, you did tell me I wouldn't do it. I had to prove you wrong."

"I n-never s-said-"

"It's not my fault you challenged me."

"I-I didn't-"

"Really, you're the one to blame here." Connor said sarcastically with a smile. Evan just groaned and slammed his head on the table. Connor laughed and pulled an apple from his bag.

He began eating the fruit, then looked at Evan.

"Where's your lunch?" He asked.

"Ate it already." Evan mumbled, sticking his nose in his book so Connor wouldn't be able to read the obvious lie written on his face. Connor pushed the book aside and looked at Evan.

Friends with the Babysitter (a Dear Evan Hansen Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now