New Moon 5

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New Moon 5

"Leah?" Winny asked hesitantly as she and a wolfy Embry broke through the treeline to see an also wollfy Leah pacing in the clearing. She and Embry had just come from the Clearwater's where they had just enough time to hear that Harry had died, before they were sent out to find Leah and make sure she was okay. At the sound of the young Swan's voice, the wolf that was Leah whipped around to face her with her face twisted into a menacing snarl.

"Woah!" Winny called, dropping the bag of clothes she had in her hand and raising her arms in the universal 'I come in peace' gensure. Embry had wasted no time putting himself between Leah and Winny. "I just came to check on you."

Leah's canine head tilted to the side as she took in the sight of Embry, grey and sleek and huge standing in front of Winny, someone even Leah's panicked mind could recognize. Winny smiled gently.

"Hey, Leah," Winny said softly, nudging Embry to the side and taking a step towards Leah's smaller silver form, moving slowly to make sure she doesn't startle her. "You're a wolf now."

Embry snorted at her, and Winny shot him an unamused look. This was her first time dealing with a nervous, newly shifted wolf and if Embry didn't like the way she was handling it he could shift and deal with Leah himself. Leah only looked even more confused and as Winny looked into Leah's familiar brown eyes, she could see Leah was scared too.

"Do you know how to change back?" Winny asked next, taking a few more steps forward until she was right in front of lead. Even with Winny standing up Leah's new world form was looking straight into Winny's eyes. Leah shook her big head and moved forward to nuzzle up to Winny's familiar body.


Somehow both Winny and Leah had ended up on the ground, about fifteen minutes later. Winny was sitting cross legged, Leah had her large head buried in Winny's stomach and she was taking deep breaths, and Embry was a few feet away with his head on his paws. Winny was stroking Leah's side and humming a song that Sue had sung to the two of them when they were sick, Embry's eyes never left the two, so he was the first to catch Leah's skin begin to quiver.

His whine was enough to draw Winny's eyes to the movement Winny touched Leah's ear and smiled down at the silver wolf.

"You've calmed down enough to change back now," Winny's voice never stopped being soft and soothing, enough so that Leah was able to calm down even further.

Leah sighed deeply, feeling the twitches in her muscles for the first time since Winny had sat down with her, and she heaved her suddenly larger form up from where she and Winny had settled to pad off into the trees. A bit later the two left in the clearing heard Leah's wolf groan loudly and the sound of the wolf suddenly shifted into the sound of the girl. Winny stood up and walked to give her friend the clothes she had brought.


While she was away Jake spoke to Embry and the grey wolf was on his feet.

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